Proposal: [Core] Remantling
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Oct 2021 14:39:27 UTC
In “Victory and Ascension”, replace:
If the game is in an Interregnum then the new Drone must either Pass the Mantle, by making a post naming another Citizen - in which case the Drone ceases to be the Drone and the Citizen so named becomes the Drone - or start a new dynasty by completing the following Atomic Action:
- Make an Ascension Address by posting an entry in the “Ascension Address” category. This should specify the Drone’s chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and it may optionally specify new dynasty-specific terms as outline in the rule “Synonyms”, and/or list a number of dynastic rules to keep (if none are specified then the entire Dynastic Ruleset is repealed).
- Update the Ruleset to reflect any changed terms, and any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept are repealed.
Once this Atomic Action has been completed the Interregnum ends and the new dynasty begins.
If the game is in an Interregnum then the new Drone must perform either the Atomic Action known as Passing the Mantle or the Atomic Action known as Ascending.
Passing the Mantle is an Atomic Action comprised of the following steps:
- Make a Story Post as a Voteable Matter naming a citizen, known as a Coronation.
- When the voteable matter becomes popular, then the Drone ceases to be the Drone and the named Citizen becomes the Drone.
If the Citizen named in a Coronation was not the Drone in the previous dynasty, then the Coronation instantly becomes popular, regardless of the votes cast on it.
Ascending is an Atomic Action comprised of the following steps:
- Make an Ascension Address by posting an entry in the “Ascension Address” category. This should specify the Drone’s chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and it may optionally specify new dynasty-specific terms as outline in the rule “Synonyms”, and/or list a number of dynastic rules to keep (if none are specified then the entire Dynastic Ruleset is repealed).
- Update the Ruleset to reflect any changed terms, and any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept are repealed.
Once this Atomic Action has been completed the Interregnum ends and the new dynasty begins.
I think this is my second proposal ever, and it’s been quite a while since my first, so bear with me.
Kevan has a point about the Ascension rule being a bit hard to understand, I just happen to think that leaving the option for back-to-back dynasties run by the same person is better than blocking it off entirely. This leaves it as a possibility, but it has to be approved first. Other than that, nothing should be any different, it’s just phrased in a different way. (Plus there was a typo in that rule that was bugging me…)
As drafted, this doesn’t provide a mechanism for resolving the Coronation. That means, among other things, that a Coronation from a previous dynasty’s mantle-pass attempt can become popular in a future dynasty, which dethrones the current Drone.