Proposal: [Core] [Special Case] Pregnant pause
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 20 Dec 2019 11:21:53 UTC
In rule 1.7 (“Victory and Ascension”), in the second paragraph, for the sentence—
During this time, the only game actions that may be taken are those covered by Rules “People”, “Votable Matters”, “Calls for Judgement”, “Gamestate Tracking” and “Victory and Ascension”.
During this time, Dynastic Actions may not be taken, and Proposals may not be submitted or resolved.
In rule 3.4 (“Dormancy”), for the sentence—
While BlogNomic is Dormant, actions defined by dynastic rules may not be taken, and proposals may not be submitted.
While BlogNomic is Dormant, Dynastic Actions may not be taken, and Proposals may not be submitted or resolved.
A tightening of the Hiatus-related rules is being hatched in Slack (channel #general), and I thought we should get one substantial aspect of it out of the way before proceeding with the necessary rearrangements: how Hiatus is defined.
As far as I can tell, when the Hiatus between a successful DoV and the resulting Ascension Address first appeared in the early days of BlogNomic, it was a total ban on other actions; before long, various exceptions started accruing, resulting in the rule we have now. It’s still not perfect: although voting on proposals is allowed, this excludes vetoing and possibly self-killing because these are described in the rule “Proposals”, and Imperial Deferentials are likewise not exempted. It turns out that the essence of what we need here is that dynastic play and proposal processing are halted, so that should be what the rule says.
It also turns out that the rule in “Dormancy” is pretty similar to the above, the only difference being that it allows proposals to be resolved while BlogNomic is Dormant. It is proposed here to change this and align the two rules entirely: it will help in tidying up the ruleset, but also… Is there really any compelling reason why proposals should be enacted or failed during such dry spells, when the dynastic ruleset can’t even be used? If anything urgent or important crops up, CfJs are still available to take care of them.
Kevan: he/him
I think Dormancy allowing enactment and failure was so that if a useful proposal (maybe even an “end the dynasty one”) was already in motion when somebody idled, we would’t have to mess around with a CfJ to enact it.
I think it’s also tidier than having a bunch of Old proposal: 4 days old in the sidebar, as if they were somehow the thing that killed the dynasty, and which new players must be prepared to grapple with. It seems more natural to let the queue freewheel to a halt, making the gamestate simpler the longer we wait for new players to arrive.