Proposal: [Core][Appendix] Defining slotlessness
Self-killed. Josh
Adminned at 02 Jul 2021 12:26:38 UTC
In the “Other” list in the appendix rule “Keywords”, add a new entry (in the appropriate alphabetically-ordered position):
Free Proposal
A Free Proposal is a proposal that either a) has the “[Free]” tag, or b) has another tag that is defined by dynastic or special case rules as making proposals it is applied to Free. As an exception to the core rule “Proposals”, Free Proposals do not count as Proposals, and the submission of a Free Proposal does not count as the submission of a Proposal, for the purpose of determining whether a Proposal submission is illegal due to exceeding a limit on the number of Pending Proposals by the same author or on the number of Proposals submitted by the author that day.
Change the rule “Cleanup Proposals” to read as follows:
A proposal from Richardo von Nestor is a Cleanup Proposal if it consists entirely of moving text between dynastic rules without changing that text, of reformatting a list of items as a list of bullet points, and/or adding bold markup and/or paragraph breaks to a rule. A Cleanup Proposal may be given the tag “[Cleanup]”.
Richardo von Nestor is permitted to submit Cleanup Proposals as Free Proposals. The tag “[Cleanup]” makes a proposal Free.
The concept of “a proposal that doesn’t cost a slot” comes up very frequently in dynasties (including this one, and I’m planning a proposal to make further use of it), so we may as well have it in the core rules; we never seem to quite get the definition exact when we’re doing it dynastically, so future dynasties could likely benefit from an exact definition too.
Note that if someone tries to place a slotlessness tag like “[Cleanup]” or “[Slotless]” on a proposal without permission, this makes the proposal outright illegal (as opposed to making it legal but costing a slot), which is probably the simpler way to do things because it has no knock-on effects.
Josh: he/they
I don’t think that the appendix entry or the tag are necessary - the words added to the rule Proposals do enough to establish what a slotless proposal is.