Thursday, June 24, 2021

Proposal: Cornering the Market

Timed Out. Fails 2-4—Clucky

Adminned at 26 Jun 2021 21:59:37 UTC

Add the following to the Average Treasures

Everburning Torch: Richardo treats Dark Cornerstone Chambers as if they were Lit.

Replace the text of “Cornerstones” with

The four rooms in the corners of the Zahndorf Crypt map are known as the Cornerstone Chambers and are always Dark. By default, Cornerstone Chambers have a background colour of #882200. They cannot be the subject of Power Actions, and may not contain Sigils, Glpyhs, or Sepulchres.

Each Cornerstone Chamber has a non-negative integer level of Haunt, which is by default 5 and can be no more than 5. A Cornerstone Chamber with 5 Haunt is considered to be Haunted, otherwise it is Weak. The Haunt of a Cornerstone Chamber is tracked in place of its name on the map though is not its name. (Cornerstone Chambers have no name and may only be specifically referred to by their grid position). Weak Cornerstone Chambers have a background color of #FF4400

The effects of Ricardo moving to a Cornerstone Chamber are as follows: he loses any Everburning Torches he is carrying. The Haunt of that Cornerstone Chamber is then reduced by Ricardo’s Energy, to a minimum of zero, and then Ricardo’s Energy is reduced by the same amount the Haunt was reduced by.

When the Crypt Settles, the Haunt of every Cornerstone Chamber which Richardo did not move into during journey that just occurred is increased by 1 (to a Maximum of 5).

In “Richardo’s Journey” add a new step after “Apply any effects of the features of that room, in the order that they are listed in the rule Features, to Richardo” that says “If the new room is a Cornerstone Chamber, apply the effects of Richardo moving there”

This is really a two parter, but someone else is free to write the second part. The basic though is that once every Cornerstone Chamber is weakened, Dracula is summoned. Game can then shift from “Richardo trying to make it to the corners to weaken them” to “Richardo trying to find and slay Dracula”


ais523: Custodian

24-06-2021 02:25:43 UTC

The last sentence seems to be missing words. Should it be “…which Richardo did not move into during the journey that just occurred…”?

This also seems like a very unlikely condition to meet, at least under the current ruleset.

Clucky: he/him

24-06-2021 03:19:36 UTC

good catch

and yeah, its intentionally supposed to be very hard to trigger. that way we have something to build towards

Chiiika: she/her

24-06-2021 08:57:08 UTC

“may not contain Sigils, Glpyhs, or Sepulchres.”

Chiiika: she/her

24-06-2021 08:57:34 UTC

^ = typo

Josh: he/they

24-06-2021 09:00:16 UTC

This would take forever to come about, I think

Kevan: he/him

24-06-2021 09:26:24 UTC

against Would vote for the torch by itself, though.

ais523: Custodian

24-06-2021 11:14:35 UTC


Janet: she/her

24-06-2021 17:19:48 UTC


Clucky: he/him

24-06-2021 18:07:42 UTC

@Josh maybe? He could get lucky and warp there. And I imagine as the game goes along, Richardo will get stronger plus there will be fewer stuff in his way.

Brendan: he/him

24-06-2021 18:27:44 UTC


lemon: she/her

25-06-2021 00:18:03 UTC

against agree w/ kevan