Thursday, August 19, 2010

[Corporation] Brannigan’s Formalwear

Women, womenbots and many-armed tentacle women of the planet Lacivous 5*, fear not! Zapp has agreed to lend his name to our brand of exotic formalwear and exciting undergarments. Because of the trusted Brannigan name, consumers can be assured that they will enjoy the very best in sen-sual quality, and almost no chance of death by toxic radiation from the chemical dyes we use in the production process.

Brannigan’s Formalwear will provide boutique clothing for high-street prices.

Sought: one Bending Unit, or human with equivalent skill, and one Accountant, to do all the boring stuff.

*Brannigan’s Formalwear also serves gentlemen, so long as the gentleman in question likes velure or lightspeed briefs.



19-08-2010 11:17:51 UTC

Is this the only crummy job I can get in this economy—I mean, job application respectfully filed, sir.

Josh: he/they

19-08-2010 12:01:30 UTC

Welcome aboard, Bending Unit Princerepulsive. Now get to work bending these rigid titanium sheets into corsets.

Kevan: he/him

19-08-2010 14:40:35 UTC

Count me in for the paperwork.