Proposal: Couch Potatoes
Times out and passes at 8-0 with one unresolved DEF. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 17 Jan 2011 00:03:02 UTC
Add to the first paragraph of “Food”:
However, an Ant may transfer exactly 6 food from themself to a Worker other than themself who possessed exactly 6 food before this action to change the latter’s Caste to Honeypot. This action may only be performed if both Ants are Underground.
Change the last paragraph of “Food” to read:
As a weekly action, an Ant who is Underground may transfer up to 3 food from the Queen or a Honeypot Ant to themself.
Add to the description of Honeypot ants:
Honeypot Ants may not change their own food value through any means but the following: as a weekly action, a Honeypot Ant may transfer up to 5 food from themself to another Ant who is Underground. If a Honeypot Ant ever has 6 food or less, they become a Worker.