Monday, September 19, 2016

Courses Charted

So, it is now the 19th of September (in UTC, at least), and I’ve processed all the Charts.

Of the two initially received, none were disposed for having an Accuracy of zero; one (mine) was disposed for having more Dig Sites than any other Chart, at 175; and none were disposed for having an Accuracy lower than any other Chart.

With only one Chart remaining, the Hunter who submitted it, Kevan, has achieved victory, and may post a Declaration of such at his leisure.

(Holding off on naming the actual Location of the Hoard until after the DoV is posted and ready to pass, for obvious reasons.)



19-09-2016 00:58:06 UTC

Sounds good. for

RaichuKFM: she/her

19-09-2016 20:51:32 UTC

So, might as well say what all was where here, rather than make another new post:

The Island of Auld Anchorage:  The source of the river, the shipwreck
The Island of Azure Bay:  The lone palm tree, the ruins, the highest peak
The Island of the Abyssal Caves:  The skull-shaped rock, the cave, the ruins
The Island of the Arid Dunes:  The skull-shaped rock, the cave, the highest peak
The Island of the Amber Estuary:  The lone palm tree, the skull-shaped rock, the ruins
The Island of the Broken Arch:  The cave, the ruins
The Island of Barnacle Beach:  The skull-shaped rock, the cave, the shipwreck
The Island of the Barbary Coast:  The cave, the ruins, the highest peak
The Island of Bucky’s Doom:  The cave, the highest peak
The Island of the Blunt Escarpment: The skull-shaped rock, the highest peak
The Island of the Cursed Atoll:  The source of the river, the highest peak
The Island of the Coral Barrier:  The lone palm tree, the cave
The Island of the Crumbling Cliff: The lone palm tree, the cave, the shipwreck
The Island of Cape Disaster:  The ruins
The Island of Crab Edge:  The skull-shaped rock, the cave, the source of the river
The Island of Deadman’s Acre:  The lone palm tree, the ruins, the shipwreck
The Island of the Drifting Breakers: The lone palm tree, the source of the river
The Island of Dredger Cove:  The cave, the ruins
The Island of Doubloon Delta:  The lone palm tree, the cave, the highest peak
The Island of Deep End:  The lone palm tree, the ruins, the shipwreck
The Island of Endless Ashes:  The lone palm tree, the skull-shaped rock, the source of the river
The Island of Emerald Bluffs:  The cave, the ruins, the highest peak
The Island of the Ebon Caldera:  The lone palm tree, the highest peak, the shipwreck
The Island of Execution Dock:  The skull-shaped rock, the cave, the shipwreck
The Island of the Eagle’s Eyrie:  The skull-shaped rock, the cave, the source of the river

Really couldn’t have asked more of Cape Disaster, there.

The Location of the Pirate’s Treasure was the Shipwreck on the Island of Deep End; I had just rolled for it, (even though I didn’t have to determine it randomly) although I made sure the Island wasn’t the Island of Drifting Breakers, just because that would be a little on the nose.

The Chart Kevan submitted had five entries, and the one with the highest Accuracy was the Shipwreck on Deep End, so I’m very pleased with how that turned out.

Kevan: he/him

19-09-2016 21:27:15 UTC

I enjoyed Cape Disaster a lot, and the treasure being in a deep sea shipwreck - the BlogNomic dice manage some fine narrative work sometimes. I did wonder whether you’d placed the treasure by hand or by die, and whether it was worth second-guessing you on that. (I didn’t get much beyond wondering if you had a reason to be cagey about putting a haunted ship at Bucky’s Doom.)

Pity I was the only non-piratical player to put a Chart in at the end, there. Did it catch people out by (unintentionally) having the deadline at the end of a weekend? Even knowing that the other hunters hadn’t explored much, I was a little nervous about a speculative but accurate single-island guess from someone.

RaichuKFM: she/her

19-09-2016 21:38:04 UTC

A bit of a shame, yeah. I think it was a bit of a mix of general (relative) apathy leading up to it, the deadline kinda sneaking up, and nobody having nearly as much information as you.

As for the Bucky’s Doom thing, well, it lacked a skull-shaped rock, so it would do nothing; but the rule would still probably discourage anyone from Exploring it, which seemed non-ideal?