Proposal: Cowering, take 2
timed out, final vote 6-1—Yoda
Adminned at 26 Oct 2008 11:48:06 UTC
Part 1:
Add the following text to the end of the rule “Items”
Each Item’s description in the List of Valid Items shall specify a unique abbreviation of that Item’s name, not to exceed two characters (example: “XY”), which may be used to identify that Item in the GNDT and all other Gamestate Documents.
Some Items are Armor. An Item is Armor if its description in the List of Valid Items so provides. No Clansman may have more than one Armor Item in his Inventory. Unless an Armor Item’s description in the List of Valid Items provides to the contrary, an Armor Item cannot be Used as a Combat Move.
Some Items are Weapons. An Item is a Weapon if its description in the List of Valid Items so provides. A Clansman may Use a Weapon in his inventory as a Combat Move.
Part 2:
Add the following to the List of Valid Items:
Wicker Shield (“WS”). This Item is Armor.
Effect: If a Clansman having the Wicker Shield in his inventory, then the first two (2) times that the holder would otherwise take Damage in a Combat Round as a result of the opponent’s Punch, Kick or Grab, the Wicker Shield absorbs the damage and the Clansman does not suffer that Damage. Once the Wicker Shield prevents Damage twice by operation of the previous sentence, the Wicker Shield is destroyed and removed from the holder’s Inventory. The Wicker Shield is also destroyed and removed from the holder’s Inventory if the holder suffers Crushing Damage from any source.