Proposal: CPU corrections. Revised.
Times out 6-1 and is Enacted. - lilomar
Adminned at 08 Aug 2010 09:47:49 UTC
Replace the last paragraph of “Information Clearance” with:-
If there is a way in which a pending Proposal could - if enacted - create, modify or repeal a Dynastic Rule whose Clearance Level is higher than the Clearance Level of the Citizen who submitted the Proposal, or Promote to or Demote from a Clearance Level that is higher than the Clearance Level of the Citizen who submitted the Proposal, then that Proposal is Treasonous.
In the last paragraph of “Treason”, replace
any Citizen with a higher Clearance Level may Terminate them
any Citizen or Officer with a higher Clearance Level may Terminate them
CPU has issued these corrections to the corrections which were sent out earlier this daycycle.
also worth noting is that lilomar can gain PP for killing people if that Proposal passes, which would be hilarious.