Monday, August 15, 2016

Proposal: Crab Legs

Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 1-5 by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 Aug 2016 09:01:04 UTC

Add a new rule called “The Crab” and give it the following text:

On the Island of Crab Edge resides a Giant Enemy Crab, said to hold an immense amount of riches for anyone who defeats it. Any Hunter on this island may engage the Crab in battle. Battle lasts for as long as the Hunter remains on the island, or until the Hunter’s Ship is destroyed or the Crab is defeated. Multiple Hunters may engage the Crab in battle at a time.
Once the Crab is engaged in battle, the Hunter may, as a daily action, attack the Crab by rolling (X+1)DICE20 in the GNDT, where X is equal to the amount of Cannons on their Ship. The sum of the results is the amount of damage done to the Crab. The Crab starts with 3,000 HP. The Hunter who attacks the Crab must write out how much HP it has left in a Comment when they roll for damage in the GNDT.
If a Hunter engages the Crab in battle, they must move their ship away from Crab Edge by the next day. If they remain on the Island for longer than a day, the Crab will retaliate and destroy their ship. They may purchase a new one, but will not gain three fourths of their current ship’s Cost when doing so. A Hunter may remain on Crab Edge as long as they wish, so long as they do not engage the Crab in battle - The Crab only attacks if provoked.

Add a sub rule to “The Crab” called “Appendages”, with the following text:

The Crab has three Appendages, which the Hunter may target individually, if they wish. The appendages each have HP separate from the main body. If a Hunter attacks an appendage, they must write out which appendage they are attacking and how much HP it has left in a Comment when they roll for damage. The appendages are as follows:
* the left claw, which has 100 HP.
* the right claw, which has 150 HP.
* the shell, which has 300 HP.
If an appendage’s HP is depleted to 0 or less, that appendage will be considered defeated and the Crab will the Stunned for one day, giving the Hunters more time to attack before they have to flee. The Crab can be Stunned for a total of three days, one for each appendage.
Each time a Hunter engages the Crab in battle, its Stun counter will be reset to however many appendages are defeated, unless it is already currently engaged in a battle. However, if the Crab remains outside of battle for longer than three days, its appendages will all regain full HP and will no longer be considered defeated, therefore the Crab will not be stunned.
The appendages also give out small rewards when defeated - when a Hunter defeats one of the Crab’s appendages, they may roll an 8DICE5, and increase their Pieces by that amount.

Add a sub rule to “The Crab” titled “Defeat”, with the following text:

The Crab is considered defeated after its HP reaches 0 or less. Once it is defeated, the Pirate must distribute the following:
* 100 Pieces to each Hunter that fought the Crab.
* 100 Pieces to the Hunter that dealt the final blow
* 100 Pieces to the Hunter that dealt the most damage
* 100 extra Pieces to each Hunter that fought the Crab, but only if all appendages have been defeated
After all this, the Pirate repeals this rule.

If the proposal “Used Ship Dealership” fails to pass, remove “They may purchase a new one, but will not gain three fourths of their current ship’s Cost when doing so.” from the above rule.



15-08-2016 01:49:35 UTC

Me likey, but not sure if it is thematic. imperial


15-08-2016 01:50:05 UTC



15-08-2016 04:11:07 UTC



15-08-2016 05:15:44 UTC

So, I am good with this thematically and I imagine Raichu is as well. I don’t really care about that much in general to be honest as long as it isn’t wildly off theme. My problems with this lay in several parts of the text being ambiguous enough that I’m almost certain it either wouldn’t work or would be exploitable. Don’t get me wrong, I can clearly understand the intent at all points but intent doesn’t mean much with this being a nomic and all. I’m going to list some of the examples I noticed at first glance.

First though, I want to mention that I would not track health that way. It makes it difficult to find out it’s current health at a glance, especially if it has been awhile since anyone attacked it. I would suggest either giving it a GNDT row or have it’s health tracked in the rule and have a clause that reads “After battling the Crab the Hunter should update this rule to reflect its current health”. Same with the appendages by the way. I would say that in order to not clutter the GNDT and because Health isn’t a stat tracked for Hunters that the in-rule option would be better.

Anyways, some ambiguous things:

- “The sum of the results is the amount of damage done to the Crab.”

This doesn’t actually say that the amount of damage dealt is subtracted from it’s health.

- “The Hunter who attacks the Crab must write out how much HP it has left in a Comment when they roll for damage in the GNDT.”

This is a problem because as I read it, the comment MUST be made at the EXACT time they roll for damage and obviously that is impossible to do since they don’t know the result to afterward.

- “If a Hunter engages the Crab in battle, they must move their ship away from Crab Edge by the next day.”

This is none optional but what if they can’t do it for some reason? It is illegal not to move so what happens if they don’t? I understand the idea was for the crab to destroy them if they didn’t leave but the sentence doesn’t allow for them not to leave.

- “If an appendage’s HP is depleted to 0 or less, that appendage will be considered defeated and the Crab will the Stunned for one day, giving the Hunters more time to attack before they have to flee.”

Again, I understand the idea but I don’t believe that it is sufficiently explained what happens when the crab is stunned.

Some of the aforementioned problems repeat again in appendages section.

This is by no means an in-depth look at it but I just wanted to point out a few things I noticed before going to bed and this is already WAY longer then I originally intended it to be.

Kevan: City he/him

15-08-2016 08:29:40 UTC

Also, “the Crab will retaliate and destroy their ship” doesn’t work because Hunters always have a ship, according to the Ships rule.


RaichuKFM: she/her

15-08-2016 18:31:03 UTC

against Per Larry and Kevan.

I am, however, thematically alright with hazards, even the absurd monster boss fight kinds. However, the loot payouts are a bit much. Well. A lot much.

I think the proposals for enemy ships that could be fought and looted for 2-4 Pieces, and shoved off, but never actually permanently defeated, were a better implementation of an enemy concept; a boss monster that can scuttle ships is a little off the tack of the gameplay established thus far.

All that said, have a meaningless arrow because I snickered.

Clucky: he/him

15-08-2016 21:13:14 UTC



16-08-2016 03:11:51 UTC

“Destroyed” should mean “turned into a raft”.