Thursday, July 12, 2018

Proposal: Crafting

self-killed failed by card

Adminned at 13 Jul 2018 01:39:52 UTC

If the proposal “Glove in Hand” has passed, change:

A Wizard may Duplicate any Spell, Potion, Ritual or Trick card by spending 1 Thaum.


A Wizard may Duplicate any Spell, Potion, Ritual, Trick or Object card by spending 1 Thaum.

in the subrule “Duplicating”.

If objects can only be duplicated while you have them in hand, they will probably never get duplicated, since you don’t need more of them, and instead will be hoarded by players to deny them to others. (They’re more powerful than a typical card, even if they take up space in hand).


Kevan: he/him

12-07-2018 13:11:38 UTC

There’s already “A Wizard may Duplicate any Structure or Object card by reducing by 1 the Economy of a Community they are Ruling.”


12-07-2018 13:12:45 UTC

against Right.