Story Post: Cranky Grasstooth
Every morning I find myself wishing it was… um… how do they call it again… you know… when the leaves turn red and the cold comes around, and… ok sometimes they’re yellow really, or brownish I suppose… so you’ve got red or yellow or brownish leaves and it’s getting real cold, and… actually it’s after them leaves turn red, though the cold comes sooner but still, when the leaves fall to the ground… they fall… oh wait I remember… no that’s not it… so anyways the leaves are long gone and that’s a good thing because, um… well no it’s not that good is it, with them small-ears wandering over here every so often, and those naked trees don’t do much to hide Grasstooth, so yeah forget about it that’s not what I meant… so best keep those branches fluffy or whatever, but still that time when, I mean, after the red leaves fall, and the brown ones too, and there’s not much to eat anymore… um… that’s not too good either… cause I get hungry easily you know, and the grass doesn’t grow so well then, and… well they don’t call me Grasstooth for nothing, that’s for sure, cause that stuff is tasty, but even so I ain’t no cow, so now and again I like to have my bite of something that squeals, and yep they tend to get harder to find too, I mean when it’s cold and all… although once in a while one of them small-ears comes along and… well they’re not always alone really, but yeah they taste good, almost better than grass, and I don’t need to eat so much after, sure don’t, and yep the cold helps a lot with keeping them fresh… though that isn’t really necessary cause I tend to stuff myself in the first days, bones and all… that’s one of my other gifts, and… where was I… so then I eat and feel kind of sluggish for days on end, but then I don’t have to go eat grass anymore, so I just lay down and listen, cause I listen a lot you know, I mean it’s not like I want to listen, but it’s just there, like I can’t not hear it cause it’s so loud, so at some point you just gotta take it in, and I learn a lot… like them small-ears back over there, rambling on about whatever they feel like rambling on about… about them secrets they have, they’ve got many secrets I tell you, and Grasstooth hears them all… like the buttons, I know the buttons, cause I hear them beeping everyday, and that’s how I managed to get in the other day… but wait I’ll tell you that later, cause it’s a long story, and I was talking about… um… hey speaking of buttons I remember that one small ear, was coming back from my daily meal when I heard him, had them buttons on him too, got no idea what the hell he was trying to open, I mean there’s no friggin door here, so I was listening to him, thinking, what, is he trying to open up a tree or something, and he’s tapping his buttons, and then suddenly this thing comes alive and, it reminded so much of… oh yeah I wasn’t finished talking about that… so, about the leaves and all, and apart from the cold and all… you know what I like about it… well its all those birds are gone… those… evil… I mean not all of them, but enough that I can actually sleep, cause yeah I like listening, but them birds got nothing to say, they’re just chirping around, and whistling, and all happy and all, and I just want to get some damn sleep, so every now and again I just need to rip one of them little tongues out, but they’re hard to catch alive you know… and it’s not so satisfying when they’re dead, so I don’t do it often, but sometimes the small-ears wander by to actually kill them for me, I have no idea why, but it’s real nice of them, if it wasn’t for those horrible things they… hey reminds me, the other day, this small-ear comes along, walking around like he owns the place, saw me lurking in the grass, took me for something else maybe, and I was stupid to let him get close, but yeah it was too far to run for cover, so he got me just like the birds, and it sure hurts, but damn not so much as the ears, I mean they were ringing long after I took the last bite out of him… so yeah I ran and pounced on him real good, you should have seen the look on his face, and the scream, he squealed real loud… sort of like them brothers back there, cause I hear them scream a lot too… well it’s not always the same one, cause when they scream it’s usually the last time I hear them… and that screaming, well it’s worse than the birds, well not as loud, and not every FRIGGIN DAY but it’s kind of hard to bear, like couldn’t they knock em out before burning them or something… I mean sure they’re trashing them but still… so I just couldn’t stand it the other day and you know what I did, well I went there, yep, old Grasstooth knows the buttons, and Grasstooth knows the way, and well things had changed, but you know being alone all these years I found some new, um, gifts… so I got in there easy, and I just let those screamers out, just so they wouldn’t scream, and now they’re squirming around like maggots, wondering what the hell to do, and I’ve been watching them all day, thinking they got no chance, cause over there, on the other side, small-ears don’t like us… nope, not at all… well maybe not all of them, cause one time… I usually stay away… but I saw group of small-ears, and I don’t know what they were doing, but they didn’t sound like the others… I mean, no, they did sound like them… actually they all sound different really… but they were acting real strange, kind of like my brothers back there, although the brothers weren’t enjoying themselves too much to be honest… at least not like these small-ears, and they just didn’t care about me, so I got close… felt like I wasn’t so lonely for once… but then this thing, this machine started, and it’s hard to describe but the pain was awful, maybe the worst I ever felt, and yeah they knew how to give pain back where I come from… but this time I can’t remember it all except I found myself back in the grass and had small-ears taste inside my mouth… couldn’t hear the birds for a while either. Sort of like when the leaves are gone.