Proposal: Creature’s Gotta Eat
Adminned at 01 Apr 2007 08:27:02 UTC
IF the proposals Stayin’ Alive v.1 and Time to grow up! did not both pass, this proposal does nothing.
Edit the text of Evolutionary Variables from
A lifeform may often increase one of eir evolutionary variables from Level X to level X + 1 by spending A * 10 * (2)^X DNA Points where A is one more than the number of evolutionary variables where the lifeform is at or above level X + 1.
A lifeform may often increase one of eir evolutionary variables from Level X to level X + 1 by spending A * 10 * (2)^X DNA Points where A is one more than the number of evolutionary variables where the lifeform is at or above level X + 1, as long as one of the following is true:
*The Evolutionary Variable being increased is the Body Mass
*The Level of the Evolutionary Variable being increased is strictly less than the level of the Lifeorm’s Body Mass.
Create a new rule “Hunger” with the text:
There exist a field “Hunger” in the GDNT which is a number between 0 and 30. Each Lifeform has a default hunger of 15. At 0:00 Monday Morning every lifeform’s hunger decreases by X. Where X is the current Body Mass Level of the Lifeform.
currently, no way of increasing hunger, but then I’m drawing something of a blank on that one, and would love for some help there.
(It’s unintuitive having smaller numbers representing larger amounts of hunger, btw. Either have hunger increase periodically, or rename it to “nutrition” (or similar).)