Proposal: Cred and Circuses
Timed out and passed, 9-0. Josh
Adminned at 28 Nov 2013 15:03:08 UTC
Replace the first paragraph of the rule entitled “Civil War” with the following:
The Despot is not an Oligarch for the purposes of any dynastic rule.
In certain circumstances as mandated in this rule, an Oligarch may Depose the Despot. When they do so, that Oligarch becomes the Interim Despot, and the Despot becomes an Oligarch, each retaining all of their existing GNDT values. The new Interim Despot may then convert any amount of their Credibility to Power at a rate of 10 Power per Credibility spent. Whichever Oligarch or Despot performed the action that caused the change in Despot must immediately make a story post highlighting the change. An Interim Despot who has been Interim Despot for three consecutive days since they were last an Oligarch then becomes the Despot. Interim Despots may not be Deposed.
Whenever a Loyal Oligarch has more Power than the Despot and more Power than every other Oligarch, they may Depose the Despot.
Whenever all Seditious Oligarch have a combined Credibility that exceeds the Despot’s Power, the Oligarch with the highest Credibility may Depose the Despot.
RaichuKFM: she/her