Monday, October 23, 2023

Proposal: Crystal Kingdom

Times out unpopular 3-3. -Bucky

Adminned at 25 Oct 2023 19:39:54 UTC

Add a new rule called “Crystals” and give it the following text

Each Wizard has a publicly tracked number of Crystals which is by default 0. A Wizards Star Power is equal to their Stars, plus five times the number of crystals they have.

If a Wizard ever has 0 stars but more than 0 crystals, they immediately lose 1 crystal and gain 5 stars

Add a new spell called “Crystalize” with a cost of 5 and the effect “Gain a Crystal”

Add a new spell called “Detonate” with an effect “If you have at least 1 crystal, reduce your crystals by 1 and reduce all other players stars by 5. Otherwise nothing happens.”

Add a new spell called “Enrich” with an effect “If you have at least 1 crystal, reduce your crystals by 1 and gain 10 stars. Otherwise nothing happens.”

If passed, then in “Wizards” replace “The Lode of a specified group of Wizards is a number equal to the total number of their Stars” with “The Lode of a specified group of Wizards is a number equal to the total number of their Star Power”


Zack: he/him

23-10-2023 20:18:04 UTC

I think the lode should stay the average and the star power of a group of wizards can just be called the star power of that group.

Clucky: he/him

23-10-2023 20:51:34 UTC

lode is meant to balance you into the middle of everyone in terms of stars. As crystals are basically just calsifyed stars, I think they should contribute to lode


24-10-2023 02:08:25 UTC

Seems like an unnecessary complication. against

Clucky: he/him

24-10-2023 05:07:14 UTC

how so? I feel like it gives something other than stars to start collection, so opens the door for crystal related win conditions.

Kevan: he/him

24-10-2023 08:47:13 UTC

against Per Zack and Clucky.

Snisbo: she/they

24-10-2023 17:13:55 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

24-10-2023 18:28:55 UTC

I don’t care for the “Crystalize then Enrich” tactic that would allow a Wizard to easily net 5 Stars every two Duels.


Snisbo: she/they

24-10-2023 18:38:33 UTC

Easily if it weren’t sniped. If that strategy becomes obvious and easy, then it’s vulnerable to being sniped

Clucky: he/him

24-10-2023 18:50:44 UTC

@Jonathandark it can be pretty easily sniped. And gather+gather gives you ~4 stars every two duels. So one extra star didn’t seem like that much more.

Vovix: he/him

25-10-2023 19:03:49 UTC

for Sure, why not. More spells, more resources!