Proposal: Cult Following
Reached quorum 14 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 15 Dec 2012 00:36:21 UTC
Enact a new rule “Cults”:-
Each Believer belongs to zero or more Cults. These allegiances are tracked privately by the Auspex.
Each Cult has a Name (up to seven words), a Leader (any Believer or Idle Believer) and a Prophecy concerning the end of the world (a sentence). The Leader and Prophecy of a Cult are tracked privately by the Auspex. The Names of existing Cults are:-
* The Establishment.
As a daily action, a Believer may attempt to form a new Cult by sending a Private Message to the Auspex specifying the Name of that Cult, and its Prophecy. If that Believer is not already the Leader of a Cult, the Auspex may - within 48 hours of receiving the request - create a new Cult by adding its Name to the list above; the Cult is created with the Believer as its Leader, and the Prophecy specified.
If the Auspex has both a Private Message from a Believer asking to join a Cult, and a Private Message from the Leader of that Cult permitting the Believer to join, then the Auspex may admit that Believer to that Cult, inform both the Believer and the Leader that this has happened, and delete both messages.
Upon enactment of this rule, the Cult known as “The Establishment” shall be created with the Auspex as its Leader and the Prophecy that the Auspex privately noted at the time of writing this proposal.
Josh: Imperator he/they