Dark Matter
Enact a new rule entitled “Dark Matter”:
There is a value called the Dark Matter Concentration (DMC) that is a nonnegative integer tracked above the Galaxy Map on the Galaxy Map wiki page. The DMC defaults to ten times the current number of Spectral Type Black Sectors. The DMC should be updated according to the following items soon after the corresponding action was taken:
- When a Sector is Measured to be a Spectral Type other than Black, the DMC is decreased by 3.
- When a Sector is Measured to be Spectral Type Black, the DMC is decreased by 1.
- When a Sector’s Spectral Type becomes Brown, the DMC is increased by 15.
- When a Captain takes the weekly action of setting their Energy to 10, the DMC is increased by 10.
- When a Captain’s Ship Class becomes “-”, the DMC is increased by 5.
Set the DMC to default.
A kind of timer tied to a number of other actions.
RaichuKFM: she/herIdle
Not a proposal…