Proposal: Deathbed Aggression
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 14 Sep 2015 18:33:37 UTC
In “Attack”, replace “As a weekly action, a Prisoner who is not Injured may make an Attack” with:
As a weekly action, a Prisoner may make an Attack
Replace “Instead, if both Parties have either Cooperated or Defected on an Attack” with:
Instead, if both Parties have either Cooperated or Defected on an Attack and neither is Injured
And add to the end of the rule:
If either Party to an Attack is Injured, that Attack ceases to be a Confession.
Making the Injury check at the time of resolution rather than initiation, and requiring both Attacker and Accomplice to be injury-free.
Darknight: he/him