Sunday, January 07, 2024

Proposal: Death’s Domain

Timed out and failed, 2-4. Josh

Adminned at 09 Jan 2024 14:49:02 UTC

Add the following to the list of Locations in the rule Locations:

| The Throne of Death || Hourglass Effect: The Necromancer who is at this Location has achieved Victory; if multiple Necromancers are at this location then only the single Necromancer with the highest Mana amongst them has achieved Victory. ||  0 || None; no Location may share an Area with this Location

I don’t think there’s any way of getting here yet - no corpses and not attached to any Area - so we can figure out how to make this possible later.



07-01-2024 11:35:58 UTC

I think someone could try to argue that Tower has the same Area as Throne of Death (i.e. no Area) and Travel there

Josh: Mastermind he/they

07-01-2024 11:56:51 UTC

Hm; I feel like we used to have a glossary thing that specified that null values were never the same. In any case, I’ve bolstered it.


07-01-2024 13:49:34 UTC

Just realised that the extension of Locations’ life makes this proposal illegal: we still have “The Death Date of a rule may not be modified or removed by any Proposal after the rule has been added to the ruleset, except in the case where the rule itself is repealed”

Josh: Mastermind he/they

07-01-2024 14:19:38 UTC


Okay, edited that out. I’ll make another proposal later figuring out what to do about that.

Clucky: he/him

08-01-2024 02:03:14 UTC

In its current form, either their is a scam to set your location there and the dynasty will end early or locations will be dying off in 3 days and this will do nothing. So better safe than sorry I think


Josh: Mastermind he/they

08-01-2024 07:18:09 UTC

It did originally extend the date of the rule. I intend to use my next free slot to find a way to do that

Clucky: he/him

08-01-2024 20:01:27 UTC

I don’t want to extend the date on locations. Feels against the spirit of the dynasty.

Zack: he/him

08-01-2024 20:54:40 UTC

against because there’s only going to be 1 day left on Locations by the time this passes.

Vovix: he/him

08-01-2024 20:56:20 UTC

for Dark Arts feels like the core mechanics of the dynasty, so I feel like it’s reasonable to extend. As for the actual proposal, I’m generally a fan of “define an unachievable wincon early, then figure out how to reach it later”.


09-01-2024 03:30:23 UTC

Note to admin: I would like to unidle.

I disagree about Dark Arts being the core mechanic. It’s the one that’s seen most action, sure, but that’s just because it was one of the first. Besides, with its death the Nomicnecron will finally have its first writings

against  in case it matters, which I doubt.

JonathanDark: he/him

09-01-2024 07:35:24 UTC

naught is unidled. Quorum rises to 6.


09-01-2024 09:10:41 UTC
