Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Declaration of Victory: Declaration of Victory

Passes 8-0. - Qwazukee

Adminned at 29 Jul 2009 09:33:51 UTC

Qwazukee has achieved victory in the current Dynasty,

Sort of gamed arthexis’ Proposal in order to get the most votes, but honestly, my stats were good enough that I would have won in a week or so anyway: I have a plane ticket, perfect tan any time I want (via sunscreen), etc.

I am open to suggestions for a good summer Dynasty idea. Groundhog, Pacman, and Assassination all work for me. I also have some ideas on my talk page ofthe wiki, like a Dodgeball Dynasty or a Battle School Dynasty based on Ender’s Game. Or any new ideas, I’m not particular.



28-07-2009 16:49:03 UTC

If I had won due to that proposal, I wouldn’t have made a DoV, because I don’t think that scam works correctly.

However, you are the closest to winning, and I say for . I vote for Groundhog, and I vote against Dodgeball.


28-07-2009 16:52:26 UTC

I also vote against “Legends of the Hidden Temple”. Never heard of that show, but then again I don’t watch much TV. I prefer to waste my life on the /computer/, instead.

The only TV I ever watch is Mythbusters.


28-07-2009 17:01:52 UTC


It’s ok, it was a show I used to watch as a kid. A Mythbusters Dynasty raises interesting concepts, though.


28-07-2009 17:10:28 UTC

List of Dynasty Ideas (feel free to add on):

Assassination - Wakukee
Groundhog - arthexis
Pacman - multiple, incl. arthexis
Battle School - Qwazukee
Dodgeball - Qwazukee
Tour de France - Qwazukee
Farmer - Amnistar
Brawling - DC
Dimensions - DC


28-07-2009 17:14:56 UTC

for I like the assassination idead


28-07-2009 17:15:23 UTC

sorry, *idea


28-07-2009 17:46:10 UTC

for I like the assassination idea, though you would have to use my ruleset. However, I think that it won’t work out during the summer slowdown, so lets go with the groundhog idea.


28-07-2009 20:28:03 UTC

Adding to the list are my ideas of Solitaire Nomic, Bible, and Calvin & Hobbes.

(Also, does any Judeo-Christian player find Biblical Dynasty offensive? For those who don’t know, the idea is that the players are “Scripturewriters”, and have to write about recent game events in the style of the Bible.)

Assassination - Wakukee
Groundhog - arthexis
Pac-Man - multiple, incl. arthexis
Battle School - Qwazukee
Dodgeball - Qwazukee
Tour de France - Qwazukee
Farmer - Amnistar
Super Smash Bros. - DC
Dimensions - DC
Solitaire Nomic - DC
Bible - DC
Calvin & Hobbes - DC


28-07-2009 20:32:06 UTC

Also, I’m lost on what we should call the players and emperor of the Calvin & Hobbes dynasty.


28-07-2009 20:44:14 UTC

Calvinball Players and Babysitter?


28-07-2009 21:01:32 UTC

Or the leader could be Mom, whichever. Or Hobbes, he’s the brains behind the operation, you know.


28-07-2009 23:07:47 UTC

@Darth Cliche “Also, does any Judeo-Christian player find Biblical Dynasty offensive?”

Yes.  Quite strongly offensive.  As well as blasphemous.  To the point where I would refuse to participate purely on religious grounds.

arthexis: he/him

28-07-2009 23:42:13 UTC

I won’t vote yes, because I have mixed feelings. However, if the rest of the players reach a consensus, I’ll follow that trend. I’ll wait for 2 or 3 votes more before deciding.


29-07-2009 01:04:43 UTC

What is there to be mixed about, arth? You were the one who made the proposal that allowed qwaz to win. We won fair and square. There is no reason not to vote for, just because you don’t like him. He won.


29-07-2009 01:09:57 UTC

* he, not we.

arthexis: he/him

29-07-2009 01:50:28 UTC

Thanks to Waks comment, I’ve made up my mind.  against

Darknight: he/him

29-07-2009 01:52:25 UTC

for nothing churchy please.

Darknight: he/him

29-07-2009 01:54:23 UTC

reread waks post so now i’m not 100% sure whats going on over there. against might change later. though if this does pass i still don’t want anything churchy


29-07-2009 01:59:07 UTC

From what I understand it was a typo, but I’m not awfully pleased with him right now. Let me assuage any fears at this moment and assure you that I won this Dynasty and I will run the next Dynasty. Without any involvement from Wak.


29-07-2009 06:02:04 UTC

I agree completely with the no church dynasty thing. Then again, it shouldn’t be an issue, Qwaz being Jewish and all.

Darknight: he/him

29-07-2009 06:04:12 UTC

for COV since i took time to think this over. and i must say we learn new things about each other every day.

arthexis: he/him

29-07-2009 06:49:48 UTC

Seeing, that just 1 more vote is needed to end this boring dynasty, I’m gonna CoV and vote for As always I’ll try to do my best writting new rules for the dynasty, but I just hope the theme is not boring and that the emperor is a little more active.

BTW, from my own ideas I’m leaning towards Groundhog dynasty, but would also accept others like Farmer Dynasty (I’ve been playing way too much Plants Vs Zombies), or Battle School (‘cuz I’m an Ender fan, even when it might be a little harder to come up with interesting rules for that one IMHO).

ais523: Custodian

29-07-2009 13:19:20 UTC

for Indisputable that the win worked, IMO (and waiting until the last minute is obviously the best strategy there, if trying to win). I’m not going to foist yet more dynasty ideas on you, though.


29-07-2009 13:54:10 UTC

Ok, it’s down to Assassination, Groundhog, and Calvinball. Please throw out your opinions on those ideas; I’m working on figuring it out now (although, if worst comes to worst, we can just keep going back in time to solve a Calvinball murder).


29-07-2009 14:52:49 UTC

I vote groundhog.


29-07-2009 15:09:55 UTC

How are you on a computer?


29-07-2009 15:29:37 UTC

Bucky: Thank you, guess it isn’t happening then. My other ideas were better anyway.


29-07-2009 15:37:55 UTC

Also, Qwaz: I’d prefer if I could be the one to run Calvinball, given that I haven’t posted the ruleset ideas yet, so no-one except me knows what I’m planning. I’ll post them to my ideas page soon enough.


29-07-2009 15:40:11 UTC

Groundhog Groundhog Groundhog


29-07-2009 15:46:19 UTC

One more idea which just popped into my head: 1984 Dynasty. A bit too similar to Kevan’s Orwellian Dynasty, though.


29-07-2009 15:51:19 UTC

Sure thing, DC. I imagine a Calvinball Dynasty wouldn’t be all that different from a basic nomic, really.

I could run a heck of a 1984 Dynasty, that was my research paper last year. I like the idea of a Star Trek Dynasty, now that I think about it. But consensus seems to be Groundhog?


29-07-2009 16:08:41 UTC



Why is the veto icon still the eye from ais’s dynasty???

It should be an island or something.

Maybe for Groundhog Dynasty, it could be…



29-07-2009 16:10:58 UTC

I’d like a time-turner, if that’s possible.


29-07-2009 16:13:00 UTC

A time-turner would in fact be brilliant.


29-07-2009 16:23:21 UTC

Qwaz: the name “groundhog” is a reference to the movie Groundhog Day. If we were to have a Harry Potter reference thrown in, that might disrupt the theme a little.

‘Course, it’s your dynasty…


29-07-2009 16:31:42 UTC

Eh, they go hand in hand. It could be a regular hourglass, works just as well.