Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Declaration of Victory: Declaration of Victory

Passes 7-2. Nowhere in the ruleset does it say that a DoV must actaully have quorm for votes to pass, just that more than half of the voices voting are voting for. CFJth if ye must. Passed by Rodney.

Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 11:52:01 UTC

The “Total Chaos” Prop is now Instinct.
It’s said to be, now, / in the game’s effect.
Though now / it causes problems
quite distinct
Which might seem to be quite a grave defect.
I used our very mobile feath’ry friend
To make the Rule say what I really want
Intent of Rules? Just something I must bend,
To let me have my long-due vict’ry jaunt.
The sentence first: ignored like lowly peasant;
The second one becomes unclear—and how!
But look: “this state” refers now to the present—
That is, the gamestate as it is right now.
My last Proposal did create this state!
So I may claim victorious status.  Great!


Seventy-Fifth Trombone:

13-12-2005 08:33:34 UTC

Ugh, that was hard.

But yes, in English:  I moved the Chicken to the first sentence of Total Chaos.  That sentence now “is considered Nonsense and is ignored for all purposes,” including determining the antecedent of the pronoun “this.”  Without an antecedent, “this state” seems to refer to the current gamestate.

As my previous Proposal was the most recent cause of the gamestate as it existed prior to victory declaration, I am eligible to declare victory.

As per Total Chaos, my DoV is a Shakespearian sonnet—fourteen lines of iambic pentameter with rhyme scheme ABABCDCDEFEFGG.  Also, the bold-and-italicized text is the Haiku that the Sandbox indicates should be present; the slashes represent the Haiku’s line breaks.

And for the record, I’m perfectly aware that neither the Haiku nor the sonnet are worthy of anything but shame on my part.

The Lone Amigo:

13-12-2005 08:48:41 UTC


I knew my feathered friend would be quite the troublemaker.

Elias IX:

13-12-2005 12:40:38 UTC

Wow… A dynasty with more than one ordinal number. Congratulations.


13-12-2005 13:42:04 UTC

for Wow.


13-12-2005 14:21:54 UTC

for well, as long as you feel the shame ...

Angry Grasshopper:

13-12-2005 14:38:59 UTC

I was going to vote for your DoV (as it is very witty), but I read your sonnet out loud, and after applying scansion to it, I find:

“Which might seem to be quite a grave defect.”

_ / _ _ / _ _ / _ /

You have an iambic foot, followed by two anapestic feet, then another iambic. This line is not in iambic, although I admit you could scan it as:

_ / _ / _/ _ / _ /

if you really squint at it, but it’s certainly not natural.


“The sentence first: ignored like lowly peasant”

seems to have eleven syllables, not ten—unless you are counting “peasant” as one syllable. If so, you should have used elision, as you did with “vict’ry”.

“But look: “this state” refers now to the present”

also has eleven syllables.

“So I may claim victorious status.  Great!”

_ / _ / _ _ _ _ _ /

has two iambics, a tetrabrach, and another iambic.

In short, you haven’t got a Shakespearean sonnet here, but something rather deceptively close. The rules specifically say that your DoV must be in the form of a Shakespearean sonnet, so I can’t vote for this as much as I’d like to, as it isn’t legal.


13-12-2005 15:17:06 UTC

against due to AGs poetic analysis


13-12-2005 16:03:22 UTC


eh, the sonnet’s fine.  i’m just dubious of the claim that “this state” without antecedent refers to the current gamestate.


13-12-2005 16:05:15 UTC

AG’s metric analysis is far too strict and would result in half of Shakespeare’s sonnets not being shakesperean sonnets.

Seventy-Fifth Trombone:

13-12-2005 17:44:30 UTC

Heh, I’ll admit that the peasant/present lines slipped past me, but a Google for “shakespeare eleven syllables” or “shakespeare sonnet eleven syllables” yields plenty of stuff talking about Elizabethan iambic pentameter having eleven syllables all the time—particularly with an unstressed syllable tacked onto the end, as with mine.

And the rhythm thing… eh.  Try to read Shakespeare as prose in a contemporary voice and there’s all SORTS of rhythm problems.  It’s a general most-of-the-time kinda quasi-feel of iamb.

So yeah, if you’re going to object, object in the vein of Cayvie’s dubiousness, not a bitter lit teacher’s.  ;)  for


13-12-2005 19:07:07 UTC

for And I thought that damn chicken wouldn’t be able to mess that rule up…


13-12-2005 19:22:13 UTC

for This was a quick Dynasty, only 10 days. But because of all the proposals and loopholes, it seemed like it went on longer.