Monday, February 05, 2007

Proposal: Decluttering

Self-killed. Failed by Angry Grasshopper.
AG has a sense of humor, I see.  Still, we’d better do things in the right order. —Hix
Re-adminned by Josh

Adminned at 06 Feb 2007 14:54:08 UTC

In rule 1.5, before “The Actor who proposed it has voted AGAINST it.” insert

Any pending Proposal may be failed by any Admin if any of the following are true:

In rule 1.3, replace the text in parenthesis with

unless the Actor already has made two Proposals more recently than the oldest pending Proposal, or has already made 3 Proposals that day



05-02-2007 19:51:33 UTC

for Definitely. I already tried something like this, but hopefully this one will pass.

Clucky: he/him

05-02-2007 19:58:45 UTC

No no no no no.

This would

A) Cause mass confusion of people not being sure when eir proposals were made.

B) Create rule inconstancies. For example, some rules say “If so and so passes, such and such happens” If the second rule is admined before the first, it would do nothing because so and so has not passed yet. This is very bad.

C) Allow Admin’s to choose which proposals to enact to benefit eir personal needs. Like, if there was a proposal that helped me I could pass it, take the benefit from it and then maybe enact another proposal that would stop others from doing the same.

Just accept the fact that the rules are the way they are for a reason. They make sense. This proposal would accomplish very little and cause much more in problems. <_< against


05-02-2007 20:06:04 UTC

This only allows out-of-order FAILURE of proposals that have been vetoed or self-killed.  Thus, rules will never be passed out of order, and Admins don’t get to pick and choose anything.  The change to rule 1.3 is there to KEEP the current game mechanics.

Please actually read the proposal before you bash it.



05-02-2007 20:06:53 UTC

This is too broad/vague. Clarify and it’ll receive my support.  against


05-02-2007 20:09:43 UTC

By which I mean can this happen all the time? I prefer a limit to out-of-order killing during times of massive proposing, like now.


05-02-2007 20:13:47 UTC

In what way is it broad or vague?  I would like to fix this, but I don’t see the problem.  Would you like me to post the results of applying the two changes in this proposal verbatim?


05-02-2007 20:16:02 UTC

The limit, as specified in this version, is that the only valid reasons for out-of-order killing are self-killing and vetos.


05-02-2007 20:40:00 UTC

against WHY?  The only purpose of the first change is to give proposal slots back to Actors who couldn’t be bothered to draft a proposal good enough to be accepted.  Should we encourage the following reasoning:  Oh, my proposal isn’t very popular… I’ll just self-kill and make another proposal without any drawbacks?

The second change is unnecesarily complicated, and allows whichever actor happens to have the oldest pending proposal to make a total of 3.  Sounds arbitrary to me.

Both of these issuses (i.e. adminning proposals out of order, and messing with the proposal limits) came up just last dynasty as possible solutions to frustrations some players were having, but these suggestions go beyond just patching the frustrations—they mess up too much other stuff.

I’ll also mention again that one change along these lines that I would support is making proposals that are over 48 hours old not count towards the proposal limits mentioned in the parentheses in 1.3.


05-02-2007 21:32:31 UTC

Actually, the only purpose of the proposal is to reduce the number of “pending” proposals by removing those that are assuredly dead.  The second change is there to eliminate the effect of giving proposal slots back to Actors that you assume the purpose of the first change is.

Basically, early-killed proposals still count against an Actor’s limit until it would be time to kill them in the regular course of play.

I admit, it does change things slightly in that the oldest pending proposal doesn’t count against anyone’s limit on pending proposals.  For me to have fixed that would have resulted in a significantly more complex proposal, and I thought that I should keep it simple.


05-02-2007 21:38:08 UTC

against Things are fine the way they are.  The actual problem is people not actually voteing on every proposal.  If people voted, then we wouldn’t have a big queue holding things up.

Elias IX:

05-02-2007 22:09:05 UTC



05-02-2007 22:35:48 UTC


Josh: he/they

05-02-2007 22:36:14 UTC


Kevan: he/him

05-02-2007 23:13:52 UTC

against I see where you’re coming from, but the non-obvious cloudiness of “two Proposals more recently” seems slightly too much of a cost, and “purely-aesthetic slimline proposal queue” too little of a benefit.


05-02-2007 23:52:43 UTC

against Yeah.  if people self-killing props would just mention the fact thereof in the comment in which they do so, people would know not to care..


06-02-2007 00:33:53 UTC



06-02-2007 15:11:57 UTC

against Self-kill; no sense in tying up the queue with this.