Proposal: Descriptions and History, Take 2
reached a quorum, final vote 7-0—Yoda
Adminned at 17 Jul 2008 09:51:58 UTC
Add a sub-rule to rule 2.10 “Character Sheets” titled “Description” with the following text:
Each Adventurer may optionally have a block of flavor text called the Description that describes what that Adventurer looks like. The Description has no effect on the Gamestate unless another rule states otherwise. Any Adventurer may edit his own Description at any time.
Add a sub-rule to rule 2.10 “Character Sheets” titled “History” with the following text:
Each Adventurer may optionally have a block of flavor text called the History that describes the history of that Adventurer. The History has no effect on the Gamestate unless another rule states otherwise. Any Adventurer may edit his own History at any time.
Replace “a column called “gold piecesâ€.” with “a column called “goldâ€.” in rule 2.6 Money.
arthexis: he/him