Proposal: Despaghettifying
Reached quorum, 5-0 with Monarchple voting DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 17 Feb 2025 18:29:13 UTC
Repeal the subrules “Turn Actions” and “Global Turn Actions” of the rule “Turns and Rounds”.
Repeal the subrules “Mixing Color Pallet” and “Rusting” of the rule “Squares”.
Remove the first, second, fourth, and fifth paragraphs of the Island of Kittens Local Rules, the second sentence of the sixth paragraph of the Island of Kittens Local Rules, the second paragraph of the Kahuna Local Rules, the second and third sentences of the last paragraph of the Kahuna Local Rules, the second sentence of the last paragraph of the rule “Sicherman Dice”, the second sentence of the second paragraph of the rule “Gates”, and the third paragraph of the rule “Gates”.
Move the rule “Turns and Rounds” immediately below the rule “Isles of BoardGamia”.
Add a new dynastic rule immediately below “Turns and Rounds”, titled “The Turn”:
A Turn is an action which may be performed by the Current Meeple if they have not yet done so since they became the Current Meeple. A Turn comprises a number of Phases, which are lists of actions that are part of the Turn. When a Meeple takes a Turn, they selectively perform none, some, or all of the actions in each Phase, starting with the first Phase and continuing in order to the last Phase. Actions within a Phase may be taken in any order.
A Meeple may only continue to the next Phase in their Turn if they have no ‘’‘bolded’‘’ actions in their current Phase they can perform. If an action in a Phase is prefixed by the name of an Island in parentheses, it may only be performed by a Meeple with at least one Token on that Island, and if it is applied to a Token may only be applied to Tokens on that Island. Unless otherwise stated, an action in a Phase may only be performed once per Turn.
The complete definition of a Turn follows:
* Phase 1:
** (The Island of Kittens) Choose one of your Tokens occupying a purple Square, increase its Kittens by 1, and set the colour of that Square to white.
** (The Island of Kittens) Choose one of your Tokens on the Island of Kittens Gate and set its Position to 90.
* Phase 2:
** ‘’‘This action may be applied once to each Token you control per Turn. Roll Sicherman Dice of your own Dice Type, specifying a Token you control in the Dice Roller comment and optionally an amount of Sprint to spend, up to your current Sprint. That Token’s Position increases by the total of the two rolled numbers plus the amount of Sprint spent (if any) as indicated by that comment, and your Sprint is reduced by the amount spent (if any) as indicated by that comment.’‘’
** ‘’‘Choose one of your Tokens occupying a yellow, orange, or silver Square and change that Square’s colour to orange, silver, or black respectively.’‘’
** (Kahuna) Up to once per Token you control on Kahuna per Turn, do one of the following two things (which are not part of the actions list for this Phase):
*** If your Hand has 4 or fewer numbers, roll Sicherman Dice of your own Dice Type and add the individual die results (rather than the sum of the dice) from that roll to your Hand.
*** Set your Hand to an empty list.
* Phase 3:
** (The Island of Kittens) ‘’‘If your most recently moved Token occupies a green Square of the Island of Kittens, change that Token’s Position to correspond to the green square of the Island of Kittens with the next-higher number among green Squares, or to 0 if there is no such Square.’‘’
** (The Island of Kittens) If your most recently moved Token occupies a turquoise Square of the Island of Kittens, change that Token’s Position to match the Position of a different Token you control, as long as the destination Position is 300 or lower.
** (The Island of Kittens) Choose a Token you control and transfer some of its Kittens to another Token you control that occupies the same Square.
** (The Island of Kittens) Spend 1 Kitten from a Token you control to set the colour of three white Squares on The Island of Kittens that do not contain any Tokens to purple.
* Phase 4:
** (The Island of Kittens) Choose a Token you control (the “cattacker”) and another Token with fewer Kittens which occupies the same square (the “victim”). The cattacker loses 1 Kitten, and the victim’s Position is set to 0.
** Either choose an adjacent red Square and yellow Square and turn them both orange, choose an adjacent yellow Square and turquoise Square and turn them both green, or choose an adjacent turquoise Square and red Square and turn them both purple.
* Phase 5:
** (Kahuna) If your Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand, set the Royal Hand to your Hand.
** If you have a Token on the Closed Gate of a Major Island, become the Royal of that Major Island and set the Positions of all Tokens you control on that Island to the Square with the lowest value on that Major Island.
** If the current Rounds is divisible by 3, set the Gate of a Major Island you are the Royal of to be Open or Closed. If you feel like it, you are encouraged to make a snobby post to the blog looking down on their subjects and mentioning the new status of the Gate when you do so.
* Final Phase:
** End a Turn.
Append the following paragraph to the Kahuna Local Rules:
A Meeple is Worthy of the Kahuna Gate if they have ever set the Royal Hand to their Hand.
Having to constantly look in a million different places to find what you can do on your turn is a mess, and it seems to be making it harder for players to take their turns. This gets rid of Turn Actions and restructures the ruleset so that all the things you can do on your turn are in one convenient place, while hopefully leaving functionality mostly unaffected (though it does notably prevent you from passing your turn while doing nothing and force you to move all three of your Tokens). Inspired by Raven’s suggestion on Discord and Desertfrog’s proposal. Any corrections to wording would be appreciated, I had to reword pretty much every Turn Action so some mistakes are bound to have slipped through
I’m generally suspicious of proposals that refer to paragraphs by number, because a paragraph being inserted into the rule could cause the numbers to change and thus change what part of the rule get affected. As such, I’m going to hold off on voting until the queue has resolved to a sufficient extent that I can work out exactly what this does.
I do approve of the principle, although I haven’t yet checked the wording for scams.