Monday, August 14, 2023

Proposal: Desperate Times…

Timed out 2 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 Aug 2023 15:38:27 UTC

In the Posing a Dilemma atomic action, immediately following “If this Dilemma’s number is a multiple of 10”, add “and/or The Storm is ongoing”.

Add the following entries to the table of Innovations:

| Societal || Careful Rationing || 2 || You are not Famished || When you are Famished but not in Chaos and would have your Food reduced by more than 1 as a result of the City Posing a Dilemma, instead your Food is only reduced by 1 and your Order is reduced by 1 as well.
| Societal || Desperate Measures || 1 || You are Famished || When you are Starving and have your People reduced by half as a result of the City Posing a Dilemma, you immediately gain 1 Food for every 10 People lost.

in the Storm, it’ll be impossible to hunt and farm; we’ll have to depend solely on our food stores to survive. here are two methods of dealing with the inevitable!
to establish a procedure of careful rationing, people can’t be already freaking out about food; conversely, people won’t even consider desperate cannibalism unless they’re already feeling starvation draw near.


JonathanDark: he/him

14-08-2023 16:07:56 UTC

I almost think there should be a way to require Order to be spent to understand Desperate Measures, rather than Ingenuity. It doesn’t take much brain power to figure out cannibalism, but it takes a toll on your society’s cohesion.

I’m not sure exactly how to make that into a rule without making it weird, though.

JonathanDark: he/him

15-08-2023 05:21:36 UTC


lemon: she/her

15-08-2023 06:52:36 UTC

oh, that’s a good idea! maybe making it cost 0 but giving it “When you first understand this, lose 1 Order.” would work?

Josh: Mastermind he/they

15-08-2023 08:36:07 UTC

against Innovations should be important but there’s a clear attempt here between the two of you to make the Storm basically irrelevant to anyone who can put out 6-8 Ingenuity between now and Dilemma 36. That’s enough time for current ingenuity laggards to catch up, for sure, but I don’t like making one strategy supreme at this stage in the game.

lemon: she/her

15-08-2023 09:40:11 UTC

my intention is actually to make the storm much deadlier before we even got to it, Josh! i think every resource should be tested rather significantly in the storm, and this is just one of them that i want to square away. the only scheme here is me trying to make a dramatic and intense finale.

the idea is that if we make enough innovations like this, it won’t be possible for any one person to get all of them; then we’ll have to actually specialise! but we can’t propose all of those innovations at once; they have to come piecemeal, which means temporary unnevenness.

and if innovations should be important, but can’t enable u to better weather the storm or prepare for it, in what way /are/ they supposed to be important?

JonathanDark: he/him

15-08-2023 15:36:47 UTC

Josh, I would be interested to see a Proposal for Innovations from you just to understand what would be an acceptable Innovation. If you aren’t contributing to the direction that they take, it’s going to be hard to shape them in the way that you like other than just rejecting everything you don’t like.

You voted in favor of the ideas of Ingenuity (named Tech at first) and Innovations, so it seems you might have some idea of how they ought to work. Let’s hear them.