Proposal: The UN (again)
Reaches quorum against, 1-4. Failed by pokes.
Adminned at 17 Aug 2017 21:03:36 UTC
Under “Dynastic Rules” add section “UN”, with the text:
The United Nations and all CIC’s votes on United Nations matters are tracked on the “United Nations” wikipage. The default Leader of each Bloc is the CIC in the Bloc with the most esteem. This can be changed by a CIC’s blog post in the category “Story Post—Votable Matter” stating a new Leader in the same Bloc as the postin CIC which gets a majority of votes from CIC’s in the same Bloc as the poster. A UN matter is enacted if it has gotten a majority of votes. The amount of votes a CIC can use is the IE of the CIC plus the number of Politicians a CIC has. UN Matters include:
- An achievement of victory by a player, when they set up a World Government under their control.
Other UN Matters and what a Leader does is deliberately left ambiguous.