Thursday, September 01, 2022

Ascension Address: Digging Deep

Gather round, my monstrous people.

For so many centuries now, humans have sought to burn our lands and kill our people. For so long, we’ve been seen as little more than villains to be beaten by plucky teenagers with oversized swords, as just packets of xp to be defeated for the sake of heroes’ “levels”. I say enough. Enough pain, enough bloodshed, enough loss.

I offer us a salvation. I offer us an escape from the eternal crusade that humankind has against our people. We will dig. We will fashion a vast dungeon deep beneath the Sacred Mountain of Tarquin Oseele, in a place so deep that none will be able to find us. It will be a place so vast that there is space for every single monster in the world, should they wish to live here. A place with filled with treasures, and food, and above all else, friends. Prepare your hard hats everyone, because with the help of my Barons, we can make a utopia.

Revoke all dynastic rules. Set all Special Case Rules to their Default Status, except Bounties and Mantle Limitations which are to be set to Active. Set the Emperor term to Demon King, and the Player term to be Baron. Set the Dynastic Tracking Page to be Monster Metropolis.

My vision for the dynasty will initially have similarities with the game Dwarf Fortress, with building structures and gathering resources, with a setting that’s basically just your average generic fantasy game. I’m expecting it to start going in different directions however, and the dynasty is not going to have any expectation of prerequisite knowledge beyond knowing basic fantasy creatures. In terms of Imperial Style, I’ll be aiming to be Gardener-ish, Protective/Libertarian, Powerhouse, Scam-Neutral/Averse, and Instinctual.


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