Proposal: Dinner is served
Fails with Quorum—arth
Adminned at 22 Jan 2009 07:28:32 UTC
Add a new rule under “The Table” called “Going before the judge”. Give it the following text:
If a Member has a Recipe on eir table that is also the Goal Recipe, the staff member may remove that recipe from eir section of the table in addition to one or more other recipes from his section of the table, provided he does not remove more than five in total. These Recipes are considered his offering. He should then make a story post to the blog outlining which Recipes make up his offering. The Writer should then judge the staff members recipes. To do this, he rolls a 1DICE10 for each recipe, and an additional 1DICE10 for the goal recipe. If each diceroll is three or greater, the staff member gains N guesses where N is the number of recipes in his offering.
Darknight: he/him