Call for Judgment: Diplomatic Incident
Has reached a quorum of FOR votes, 6 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 16 Feb 2015 20:24:39 UTC
In the rule “Subroutines”, replace “The subject of this subroutine is immediately given the Command Role of Diplomat. Any other Crewmembers with a Command Role of Diplomat loose their Command Role.” with:-
Any Crewmember who has the Command Role of Diplomat loses that Command Role. Then, if the Subject of this Subroutine has no Command Role, the Subject of this Subroutine is given the Command Role of Diplomat.
The Subroutine queue is currently blocked because the “The subject of this subroutine is immediately given the Command Role of Diplomat.” clause is an illegal gamestate update, meaning that the entire Subroutine processing action cannot be performed. This fixes the ASUM Subroutine so that it can still be performed when the Subject already has a Role. (Also making it explicit that roles are lost before being reassigned, to be on the safe side.)
Josh: he/they