Friday, September 02, 2022

Proposal: Direct Player Interactions

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 03 Sep 2022 16:42:27 UTC

If Proposal: Only somewhat present was not enacted then this proposal has no effect.

Add the following Stations to the list in the rule Stations:

Defenestration Station: Move 1 Unsettled Migrant from the Personal Resource Stockpile of another Baron to the Dungeon Stockpile.
Expropriation Station: Move 1 non-Migrant Resource from the Personal Resource Stockpile of another Baron to the Dungeon Stockpile.
Ideation Station: Pick exactly three other Barons. Roll DICE7; if the result is a 1 then all three Barons, plus yourself, gain 1 Attention.
101 Dalmatian Station: Has no effect but you will know that you have gained a magnificent coat.



02-09-2022 16:53:36 UTC

Soft AGAINST due to Ideation Station, unless you can provide a very good reason for making Attention grindable.

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

02-09-2022 16:55:55 UTC

Seems decently balanced compared to Ideation station, with a better chance at another action but a significant downside.

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

02-09-2022 19:38:26 UTC

for I guess I’ll start off.

SingularByte: he/him

02-09-2022 19:54:53 UTC



02-09-2022 19:55:52 UTC

against On rich-get-richer concerns regarding Ideation Station.

SingularByte: he/him

02-09-2022 20:15:48 UTC

CoV, I think I’m going to have to agree with Bucky here. I’m fine with the Concentration Station at a 10% chance, but the Ideation Station allows a cabal of 4 (or even 3 at a stretch) to get far greater returns.

Assuming 4 players each use Concentration Station 10 times, you’d expect each one to get 1 bonus Attention.
Assuming 4 players each use Ideation Station 10 times, you’d see each getting an expected 5.7 bonus Attention.


Josh: he/they

02-09-2022 20:19:10 UTC

Hard to see such a cabal forming with Mantle Limitations switched on.


02-09-2022 20:31:41 UTC

I think I could catalyze a cabal that doesn’t fall afoul of the Mantle Limitations.

SingularByte: he/him

02-09-2022 20:35:24 UTC

You wouldn’t need to hand over the mantle with such a cabal, since you’d all equally benefit from the results of the increased Attention. A 4-way battle is far easier for a player to win than a 13-way battle after all.

Josh: he/they

02-09-2022 20:39:38 UTC

Seems more likely to me that the optimal strategy is to select the players who are furthest behind, to remove the possibility of advantaging direct competitors.

Darknight: he/him

03-09-2022 14:29:00 UTC



03-09-2022 16:32:34 UTC

Anyone who wants to get exponentially farther ahead of Josh as the dynasty progresses should contact me about cabal membership, then.

Josh: he/they

03-09-2022 16:42:05 UTC

If Bucky needs help winning then he is welcome to it.

I will withdraw this, however, for the queue.  against