Proposal: Dischordant [Appendix]
Timed out and passed, to no effect. Josh
Adminned at 09 Sep 2020 19:46:30 UTC
Upon enacting this proposal, evaluate all comments from idle Pathfinders to assess whether they could contain valid votes if that Pathfinder was not idle. Based on the outcome of this, if this Proposal does not have a number of what would be FOR votes equal to or greater than a quorum of all Pathfinders, both idle and unidle, to have cast what would be votes upon on it, it does nothing.
In the Appendix, change
The BlogNomic Slack is located at Pathfinders may request an invite to the Slack while logged in by clicking the button in the sidebar.
An invitation to the BlogNomic Discord can be found at
Remove the Slack invitation link from the sidebar.
Note that the first sentence makes DEF votes effectively AGAINST under all circumstances.
Kevan: he/him
Good to force a decision, but can we get a summary of what’s actually different between them, and what benefit there is for BlogNomic in switching? Are there any up-to-date side-by-side third-party comparisons out there that we can look at?
I’ve never used Discord, and from what BlogNomic players have said my understanding of it doesn’t go any further than “there’s no archive limit”, “it’s privacy policy is worse” and “it’s more of a social media site for gamers except not really these days”.