Proposal: Disclaimed
Reaches quorum 5-0 with 2 unresolved defs and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 20:36:55 UTC
In “Bounties (Heists) {M}”, delete all sentences that contain the word “Claims” and all sentences that contain the phrase “Bounty Payout”.
Add a new subrule, “Bounty Payout {I}”, to “Bounties (Heists) {M}”, with the following text:
The first time each week a Bounty Notice is Enacted, this increases the Triumphs of each Participant who is named in both Masterminds’ EVCs on that Bounty Notice by 1, and the Mastermind who Enacted it should update the tracking page accordingly.
In “The Vault {I}”, change the bullet point starting “amend a word of ruletext” to read
amend a word of ruletext that is 1, 2, or 3 letters long or a number in ruletext that is 1 or 2 digits long (but adding new such words and numbers is acceptable, as is moving them to other places in the ruleset, or merging them with adjacent words or numbers by deleting an adjacent space).
and add a new bullet point immediately before it:
set the default value of a tracked variable to anything other than 0 or blank/empty;
Increase the Triumphs of each Participant and Idle Participant who has exactly 1 Claim by 1. Each Idle Participant (and if “Breaching the vault” was not enacted, each Participant) who has gained more than 1 Triumph from Claims this dynasty loses a number of Triumphs equal to the number that Participant or Idle Participant gained that way.
Remove Claims as a tracked variable from the gamestate.
There’s a very easy scam in the current ruleset to gain a very large number of Triumphs (most easily via changing the default value for Claims to a larger number like 90). This removes the Claims variable and allows Bounties to give Triumphs directly, which a) simplifies the rules and b) removes that particular scam. It also (mostly) reverts any attempts to have used the scam, and adds protections to prevent similar scams arising in the future.
The scam needs to be removed for Triumphs to have any use as a scoring system, as a scam that manufactures them directly would bypass the conventional gameplay of the dynasty.