Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Proposal: Disco Inferno

could not reach quorum with 10 votes against

failed by cayvie

Adminned at 15 Dec 2005 18:58:40 UTC

Add a new sub-section named “Fire Marshall” to the rule “Characters” that reads as follows:

A Government Employee. Puts out fires, dresses in red. There can be only one Fire Marshall.

Fire Marshalls are responsible for maintaining public safety. Many Protagonists just don’t seem to care about public safety, but the Fire Marshall does.

If enough Protagonists occupy a given Location that the Fire Marshall is Summoned, that Location enters a state of Lockdown. If a Fire Marshall is Summoned to another Location from a Location in Lockdown, he must pick out the most mature Protagonist present and dub them a “Junior Deputy”.

During Lockdown, no one may leave that Location, and anyone that tries to enter the Locked Down Location is told to “move along”, and that “there’s nothing to see here” by the Fire Marshall.

The Fire Marshall must then proceed to educate all Protagonists that occupy the Locked Down Location about the benefits of fire safety. This educational speech must be at least two paragraphs and no more than ten paragraphs. The Fire Marshall must then have a brief question taking phase where all present Protagonists must sit awkwardly wondering if they can leave yet. They can’t. The Fire Marshall must then proceed to hem and haw for no more than 30 minutes and no less than 5, and thank the assembled Protagonists for being “a good bunch of kids”.

If a Fire Marshall has dubbed a Protagonist Junior Deputy, that Junior Deputy must then carry out the operations in the two preceeding paragraphs, from the point that the Fire Marshall left off, and like it, if e ever wants to leave the Location that is in Lockdown.

Fire Marshalls have firewalk.

Junior Deputies have badges.

If anyone voted against this proposal, select a Protagonist at random from those not in favor and set eir Role to Fire Marshall.


Salamander: Idle

14-12-2005 17:20:55 UTC

Here’s to the new Fire Marshall…  for

ChronosPhaenon: Idle

14-12-2005 17:37:03 UTC


*You don’t need to vote FOR your own Proposals.

*The Insanity Dynasty has just ended ;)

*There are too much undefined terms in this proposed rule.

Quazie: Idle

14-12-2005 17:45:25 UTC


Elias IX: Idle

14-12-2005 20:06:34 UTC


AgentHH: Idle

14-12-2005 20:07:02 UTC


Hilarious, but there’s too much ambiguity.

Saurik: Idle

14-12-2005 20:18:48 UTC

AgentHH: Various things seem to have undefined effects (such as badges), but those would either be impotent or defined later. I’m curious, though, as to the ambiguities. The only thing I’ve seen so far is what happens if someone was dubbed Junior Deputy on a previous incident of reentrant Summonings: is he still dubbed Junior Deputy? I’d actually be interested in just seeing that kind of thing play out, though ;P.

notafraud: Idle

14-12-2005 20:24:26 UTC

against I think it’ll make more sense to define what things do before we give them to people… in general… otherwise we have too many random stuff..

I love it btw.

Saurik: Idle

14-12-2005 20:31:09 UTC

Well, I think it’s a rather funny game mechanic, and like the idea that one of you might have to play the role ;P, so I’m voting for. (Although I wasn’t around for the previous dynasty, so I’m not sure what Insanity Chronos Phaenon is alluding to.)

Saurik: Idle

14-12-2005 20:47:03 UTC

I guess ‘Summon’ is kind of an ambiguous usage of a missing definition, and is kind of presumed.

danopato: Idle

14-12-2005 20:50:14 UTC

I think a little well-crafted insanity would help get this off on the right foot. for

Saurik: Idle

14-12-2005 20:56:03 UTC

Actually, the English definition of Summons fits (and is used by the Glossary), so that isn’t a problem anyway.

Rodney: Idle

14-12-2005 21:16:48 UTC


Cayvie: Idle

14-12-2005 21:25:29 UTC


Seventy-Fifth Trombone: Idle

14-12-2005 22:06:41 UTC

1) Too much undefined flavor text.  The fifth paragraph should be entirely flavor text, for example.
2) It says things like “If a Location has so many people that it enters a state of Lockdown,” without that condition having been set solidly in a previous Rule.  Same for “If a Fire Marshall has dubbed a Protagonist as his Junior Deputy,” when nothing in the Rule gives him the ability to do so, or details the procedure for doing so.  Same for “has firewalk” or “has badges,” when not only do we not know what they are, but we haven’t defined the ability of a Protagonist to “have” anything—items, abilities, what have you.

Creating things with unknown effects is fine; however, you must first create at least the structure underlying them.


Hix: Idle

15-12-2005 00:10:34 UTC


Saurik: Idle

15-12-2005 02:19:39 UTC

The “firewalk” thing is sketch, and doesn’t fall under this following argument, but doesn’t stating that something that is already being imagined as a sentient being having a badge provide a way for someone to have something… specifically Junior Deputys as having badges?

Yes, it doesn’t define what that allows them to do (and frankly shouldn’t have to), it doesn’t define what a badge is (but the English definition should apply), but it doesn’t rely on any of that.

I actually went with paragraph 5 being normative (from the perspective of makingthe job of firemarshal hilarious), and I don’t see it as being any more undefined or poor form to require someone to give a lecture as I do to have stated that Grues eat flesh. We have neither the ability for Protagonists to say things, nor for them to eat things yet in this game. The text for Grue doesn’t claim this is flavor text. I brought this up for that Rule, and no one (including myself) seemed concerned, so I don’t see why that doesn’t establish some kind of prescedent for this.

By defining Lockdown, is it that you want Rules to explicitely state how their information is stored? It seems like it should be sufficient to simply state “a Location now is on fire” and other Rules that state “if a Location is on fire” now apply. As I mentioned in the information text at the bottom of Deep Pockets, you’d be able to determine from the rules and the actions that have so far been performed whether the Location is currently “on fire” or not, and if someone disagrees they could always do a Call for Judgement. If Protagonists were happening to decide to store this information in a Wiki page or on a sheet of paper doesn’t affect the validity of Rules that talk about it.

My main complaint with Lockdown is that the ending condition for Lockdown isn’t _explicitely_ stated as when the tasks of the Fire Marshal are complete.

I agree with the lack of a way to dub someone Junior Deputy, but that only makes that task impossible, it doesn’t make that rule broken. It might be nice if Junior Deputy were a Role that someone could play, and maybe “dub” were defined as the ability that some people in some Roles have (such as Fire Marshal) to set other Protagonist’s Role fields, maybe even only in certain contents. A later proposal could make this Rule’s mechanic “come alive”, as it were.

Salamander: Idle

15-12-2005 03:16:28 UTC


1) I thought we were building a text-adventure together. Doesn’t that kind of signal that we should have rules that cause flavor text to be created and viewed by the players?

2) I’ll redraft and resubmit


Seventy-Fifth Trombone: Idle

15-12-2005 06:49:03 UTC


Yes, and now that I think about it, this is really quite good.  HOWEVER, it still needs to (reasonably) strictly manage game actions while allowing creativity.  To wit:

“When a Fire Marshall is summoned to a Location, eir Location field is immediately changed to that Location.  The next time e is able to legally add a Command and its following Result, e must add the command “educate mob on fire safety”, along with its following Result.  That Result must consist of two to ten paragraphs of the Fire Marshall’s choice, and each paragraph must somehow pertain to fire safety.  This Command and Result may NOT be deleted under any circumstances.

“If someone believes the Fire Marshall has failed to satisfy the conditions of this Role, e may raise a Call for Judgment saying so.  If the Call for Judgment finds that the Fire Marshall did indeed fail, e assumes the Role Unemployed.  If that Role does not exist, eir Role is blanked.  This CfJ may have no effect not allowed by this Rule.”

See the difference?  It still allows creativity and humor, but dictates the mechanisms by which it takes place.

Moonwryn: Idle

15-12-2005 09:35:42 UTC


smith: Idle

15-12-2005 15:09:30 UTC


Cayvie: Idle

16-12-2005 02:56:32 UTC

against  cov to kill