Monday, October 21, 2013

Proposal: Disorderly Shutdown 2

Passes 9-1. — Quirck
10-1. — Quirck

Adminned at 23 Oct 2013 13:54:44 UTC

Enact a new rule “Disorder in the House”:-

MUST: Each MN may Ignore one paragraph of some dynastic rule. Which paragraph they are Ignoring is tracked in the GNDT column “Ignoring” by recording the number of the rule, then a dash, followed by the number of the paragraph in that rule which they are Ignoring.  By default, no paragraph is Ignored, and it’s tracked as “-”.  A MN may only change which rule they are Ignoring if they have Ignored the same rule continuously for the last 96 hours.

MUST: If an MN is Ignoring a paragraph of a dynastic rule, they treat the ruleset as if it did not contain that paragraph, except for any definitions that paragraph contains.  Any other MN who is not Ignoring that paragraph does not treat the ruleset as if it did not contain that paragraph, unless they take an action which is affected by a paragraph and affects an MN who is Ignoring that paragraph.  In that case, treat that paragraph as not existing for the purposes of affecting MNs which Ignore it only.

MUST: Any paragraph of any dynastic rule may be headed by a “MUST:” header. If a paragraph is headed with “MUST:”, it may not be Ignored.


Let me take a crack at this interesting idea.. Though I change the meaning a bit..


Josh: Imperator he/they

21-10-2013 16:39:04 UTC


Clucky: he/himIdle

21-10-2013 16:53:59 UTC


Kevan: he/him

21-10-2013 18:40:22 UTC


Purplebeard: Idle

21-10-2013 18:41:49 UTC


Spitemaster: Idle

21-10-2013 19:14:11 UTC

for Much clearer.  Thanks!

turtlemoon: Idle

21-10-2013 19:54:40 UTC


Larrytheturtle: Idle

22-10-2013 02:16:37 UTC


Murphy: Idle

22-10-2013 05:39:15 UTC


RaichuKFM: she/herIdle

22-10-2013 11:56:32 UTC


Bucky: Idle

22-10-2013 18:56:11 UTC

Again, there should be an exception for proposal enactment so that enacting admins can’t veto changes to a paragraph by ignoring it.

Bucky: Idle

22-10-2013 23:25:16 UTC


quirck: he/himIdle

23-10-2013 19:00:38 UTC

Could you word it into a patch proposal?