Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Proposal: Divisions of Power

Reaches quorum 8-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 07:44:00 UTC

Replace the text of the rule Coregency, Coregency {I} or Race 5 (whichever exists) with:

This Dynasty is a Coregency and as such has two Masterminds, the Participant named ais523 and the Participant named Josh, who each have all of the powers and responsibilities of a Mastermind. As a general rule of thumb, references in other rules to “the Mastermind” are to be treated as applying to all Masterminds independently. i.e. if the Mastermind is permitted to take an action, any Mastermind may take it and it will be treated by that rule as if “the mastermind” took that action. If the mastermind is subject to a restriction, no masterminds can breach that restriction.

Where this rule alters the specific interpretation of a rule, that specific interpretation takes precedence over the general rule of thumb in the above paragraph. Otherwise, the rule of thumb is to be followed.

For the purposes of the Core rule Dormancy, there are no Masterminds.

In this dynasty, DEFERENTIAL votes are resolved as follows: if both Masterminds have the same valid Vote, then all votes of DEFERENTIAL on that Votable Matter are considered to be valid and the same as those Votes; in other cases, votes of DEFERENTIAL are not considered valid.

For the Core rule Victory and Ascension, neither Mastermind can declare Victory. When a Declaration of Victory is enacted, this entire rule and its subrules are considered to be flavour text. For the purposes of Victory and Ascension’s first bullet point, all Masterminds must have voted FOR in order for “the Mastermind” to be considered to have voted FOR, however their votes are still counted as normal for all other purposes. The first posting of the Ascension Address and the first performing of the Dynastic Reset at the start of this dynasty are considered upheld irrespective of which Mastermind, if any, had performed them.

In the building block rule Everyone’s Playing, all Masterminds are Participants.

In the building block rule Reinitialisation, both Masterminds are to reset their own privately tracked information for Reinitialising players.

This should cover all of the odd cases. I’ve missed any out that are neatly covered by the rule of thumb, e.g. Vetoes, which are considered to have been performed if either Mastermind takes the action.


ais523: Custodian

15-01-2025 22:30:19 UTC

You probably need to allow for an “{I}” potentially being in the title of the rule. Apart from that, these changes look good.

Perhaps we should make this into a Building Block once all the bugs are ironed out, so that the next time there’s a Coregency we already have a working version.

SingularByte: he/him

15-01-2025 22:40:37 UTC


Making it a building block might be a little tricky as it represents how to interpret just a snapshot of the core rules. If they change, you could see the building block drifting slowly out of sync which could lead to weird interactions.

JonathanDark: he/him

15-01-2025 23:23:01 UTC

I think Coregencies are rare enough that we don’t really need a Building Block for this. Just having the archive of past Coregencies will be sufficient to draw upon for future ones.

ais523: Custodian

16-01-2025 02:27:44 UTC


Brendan: he/him

16-01-2025 02:53:01 UTC



16-01-2025 02:58:23 UTC


Janet: she/her

16-01-2025 03:23:36 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

16-01-2025 03:27:41 UTC


Josh: he/they

16-01-2025 07:39:56 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

16-01-2025 20:37:18 UTC
