Proposal: Do cats love you
Fails at 1-7 -SingularByte
Adminned at 10 Dec 2022 05:26:25 UTC
To the list of the tracked fields in the dynastic rule “Explorers”, add:
* Kindness, which is a non-negative integer defaulting to 1.
To the list of Planned Actions in the rule “Explorer Actions”, add:
* Shoo
Before the paragraph starting with “The default Planned Action” in that rule, add:
Shooing sets the acting Explorer’s Kindness to zero. If the Black Cat is in the same Room as the acting Explorer, it is successfully Shooed. When the Black Cat is successfully Shooed, it Flees in a horizontal direction chosen by the Narrator in a secretly random way.
JonathanDark: he/him
A few problems:
* There’s nothing stopping the Explorer from using Shoo as a Planned Action if their Kindness is already 0.
* Who is determining the secretly random horizontal direction? The Explorer who did the Shoo? The Narrator?