Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Proposal: Do What Thou Wilt

Timed out 3 votes to 3. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 03 Oct 2020 07:51:42 UTC

If there is a rule called “Round 4” then apply this Proposal to it; if there is not, then apply this Proposal to the rule “Turns”; in either case, reword the section of the Ruleset that begins with “Once in each Round, each Island may take a Turn…” and ends with “…a post to the blog summarising their Turn” as follows:

Once in each Round, each Island may take a Turn, by carrying out the following atomic action:

  • Select one Island, which may include themself, to be their Chosen Island this turn.
  • Carry out this entire list of Underground Actions in any order:-
    • Roll: Select one of the Chosen Island’s Terrain Dice and one of their Pool Dice, randomly select one effect from each, then apply that effect
    • Flood: If it is Round 6, set the values of all tracked gamestate information (except Topology) for all Islands to their new-player default values, then Erode all Islands, then remove this bullet point from the ruleset.
    • Shift: Either increment the Chosen Island’s Pressure by 1, or set the Chosen Island’s Pressure to zero.
    • Consume: Check the difference between the Chosen Island’s Animal Biomass and Foliage scores. If the former is greater than the latter, reduce the Chosen Island’s Foliage by the difference between the two, to a minimum of zero, with any excess reduction being taken from that Island’s Animal Biomass score instead
    • Contain: Roll DICE100. If the result is lower than 3 times the Chosen Island’s pressure, make the Chosen Island explode
  • Selectively carry out some, all or none of this list of Overground Actions, no more than once each per turn, in any order:-
    • Deposit: Add a new level with 0 land to the bottom (end) of the Chosen Island’s topology
    • Adjust: Apply a Dice Face Action, as per the rule Adjustments, to the Chosen Island
    • Germinate: change the Chosen Island’s Pool Dice.
  • Set the Chosen Island’s Turn Tracker to - and make a post to the blog summarising the Turn

Some players have decided that it is boringly optimal to go last; “New Tock” makes it POSSIBLE for turns to move much faster, but also incentivizes an endless standoff in pursuit of said optimality. “Smoother Seas” is an attempt to address this via carrot. I hate filibusters, and in place of the carrot I prefer the stick.

This isn’t a scam proposal with tricky additions that I’m hoping you’ll overlook. All it does is add the step of choosing a target Island, replace “their” or “the Island” with “the Chosen Island” within “Turns,” and remove some leftover stuff about Schwingrasen that is currently fossilized in “Round 4.”


Josh: Mastermind he/they

30-09-2020 23:11:05 UTC

Explicit abstention.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

30-09-2020 23:12:47 UTC

Might be good to include something that tracks who has taken a turn as well as which Islands have had turns taken on them?

Brendan: he/him

30-09-2020 23:15:02 UTC

That’s a good idea. I’ll write a follow-up if this seems like it’s going to get traction.

Raven1207: he/they

01-10-2020 01:46:30 UTC



01-10-2020 05:14:43 UTC

against Breaks the suspension of disbelief that I, as a player, *am* the island..  and creates all sorts of king-making possibilities..  I feel like there should be a better solution to incentivize players to not purposefully wait..


01-10-2020 05:17:22 UTC

What if we design a system where a predetermined number N of randomly selected players have to play, but without N being either 1 or the total number of players? i.e. something in between how the Turn Timers worked and the way they currently work.

Kevan: he/him

01-10-2020 10:17:55 UTC

I like the idea of this a lot, but don’t think it works in terms of timing, or player collaboration. Isn’t the best move to always (a) take your turn immediately in each round, and (b) team up with one or more kingmakers who always mess up leading rivals immediately in each round?

Kevan: he/him

01-10-2020 10:59:27 UTC

(And ah, “remove some leftover stuff about Schwingrasen” looks like my mistake during enactment of Garbage Patch; I missed the bullet points in the second copy of the turn rule.)

derrick: he/him

01-10-2020 13:19:50 UTC


pooling and kingmaking.

Kevan: he/him

01-10-2020 14:09:20 UTC


Brendan: he/him

01-10-2020 14:23:31 UTC

I LIKE it being a good idea to go as quickly as possible—but remember, under the current system, any Island can Generate Time. That means it’s overwhelmingly likely that the last Island to go in one round gets first chance to go in the next, regardless of whether this enacts or not. But if this does pass, and if teams do start to emerge, that in turn makes it easy for a disgruntled Island to mess with any obvious kingmaking schemes. All you have to do is go late, then go early, and shoot for the leader—while the leader is incentivized against going late.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

01-10-2020 14:32:00 UTC

I thought I was generating time from Round 4 onwards?

Brendan: he/him

01-10-2020 15:52:11 UTC

Ah, I missed that. Even so, no guarantee of any chosen king having an opportunity to go early.

Kevan: he/him

01-10-2020 17:00:40 UTC

No, but the game shifts to benefiting the players who log in frequently and/or in Josh’s timezone, or who set up appropriate notifications for blog/wiki updates, and nudges everyone to behave more like that. I don’t look forward to opening three browser tabs of pre-filled game moves and waiting for Josh to make the blog post so that I can hit all the submits half a second before a rival does.

Clucky: he/him

02-10-2020 04:25:04 UTC
