Proposal: Do you really know what time it is?
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 29 Mar 2016 11:41:44 UTC
Add a new sub-rule to the rule “Items” called “Great Hammer” and give it the text
Affect: While a Orc is holding this item, when they deal damage to a Creature but do not kill it, the Creature gains the status Stunned. The next time any Orc attacks that creature, the Creature’s Dexterity is treated as half its actual value (rounded up) for the purposes of step 1, at which point the Creature then loses the Stunned status (it could then immediately gain the Stunned status back after step 2 if Orc doing the attack was also wielding a Great Hammer). This item is a Weapon
Add a new sub-rule to the rule “Crafting” called “Great Hammer” and give it the text
Crafting cost: 1 AP and 10 Resources
This time it’s a proposal!
Larrytheturtle: Idle
Note: I don’t really like that stunned is untracked just cause it could cause some confusion.