Proposal: Don’t hurt me!
8-0! That means quorum. -Elias IX
Adminned at 10 May 2006 13:27:37 UTC
Add the following to the list of Vows in Rule “2.5 Vows”:
Vow of Pacifism: Monks undergoing this Vow shall not Pick a Fight.
In the Rule called “Fighting”, change the first occurence of
E then rolls DICEG, where G is eir opponant’s Temporary Fitness.
If eir opponent is not undergoing a Vow of Pacifism, E then rolls DICEG, where G is eir opponent’s Temporary Fitness.
Finally, in the Rule called “Fighting”, change
Being involved in a fight causes a loss of Integrity equal to 3*S for whoever starts it and 1*S for the other Monk. This may make eir Integrity negative.
Being involved in a fight causes a loss of Integrity equal to 3*S for whoever starts it and 1*S for the other Monk. If either Monk is undergoing a Vow of Pacifism, the Integrity loss for a Monk who starts a fight is 5*S (instead of 3*S). This loss may make either Monk’s Integrity negative.
To make things clear— The disadvantages of undergoing this Vow are: an increased penalty for starting a fight (an extra 2*S, and the 5 for breaking the Vow) and, more importantly, the inability to defend oneself if picked on.
The only advantage (besides the usual advantage for undergoing a Vow) is the increased penalty to someone picking on you
Angry Grasshopper:
Mm, I like this. The negative integrity asides (which is sligtly weird) I like this very much.