Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Proposal: Dot Com Boom

Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 09 Mar 2023 14:00:33 UTC

In the rule “The Lines”, replace this text:

Select a random Feature and add it to the Grid.

With this text:

Select a random Feature and add it to the Grid, using the following faces for the die: {Energized, High-Security, Warped, Database, Database, Access Point, Access Point, Alpha Sector}

In the rule “Basic Grid Rules”, add a subrule titled “The Alpha Sector” and give it the following text:

The Alpha Sector is composed of all cells that are coloured Red.

Making it more likely to get Database or Access Point, thus being more likely to have other Disks and places to use them to make things interesting. Also added the subrule The Alpha Sector by request of SingularByte to correct a mistake made in a prior Proposal that was enacted.


Kevan: he/him

08-03-2023 14:35:51 UTC

Ah, no need to fix the Database wording here, looks like that was a copypaste error on my part when enacting On Digital Seas. I’ll correct that now.

JonathanDark: he/him

08-03-2023 15:16:23 UTC

Thanks, I thought it might have been the result of a badly-worded Proposal.

SingularByte: he/him

08-03-2023 16:47:58 UTC

It might be worth adding in the line from my digital sea proposal that I’d messed up on though; the line saying that the alpha sector is all red cells didn’t end up making it into the ruleset.

JonathanDark: he/him

08-03-2023 16:56:03 UTC

Done. Let me know if there’s any further wording changes for that one. I made sure that the correct rule name is referenced this time. ;-)

SingularByte: he/him

08-03-2023 17:08:02 UTC

Thanks, I don’t think it’ll need any more amending from there.

Kevan: he/him

08-03-2023 18:46:14 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

08-03-2023 20:22:22 UTC


Brendan: he/him

08-03-2023 20:28:08 UTC


Lulu: she/her

08-03-2023 23:51:25 UTC



09-03-2023 03:04:08 UTC


lendunistus: he/him

09-03-2023 13:58:37 UTC
