Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Proposal: Double Up!

Reached quorum, 4-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 01 Aug 2024 02:33:25 UTC

Add a new rule called “Doubloons” with the following text

Each Fishing Contestant has an integer number of Doubloons which defaults to 10

In “The Sea Chart” after

As a Fishing Action, a Fishing Contestant can move their name from their current cell to a cell no greater than four orthogonally connected cells away from their current cell.


If this new cell already contains one or more Fishing Contestants and is not the Judge’s Hut, the Fishing Contestant performing this action must give 1 Doubloon to each other Fishing Contestant already in this new cell (if they do not have enough Doubloons to do this, they cannot move to the new cell)

In “Fish Function” replace

they add it to the Fishing List with the name of the Fishing Contestant submitting the virtual action as the discoverer


they add it to the Found Fish List with the name of the Fishing Contestant submitting the virtual action as the discoverer and that Fishing Contestant gains 1 Doubloon


JonathanDark: he/him

31-07-2024 00:38:02 UTC

What happens if a Fishing Contestant lands in occupied Cell due to being moved from a Disturbance? I know that rule says “legal adjacent cell in a random direction, if possible” but what I mean is, should the paying of Doubloons to the other occupants only apply to voluntary moves into a Cell, or should it also apply to involuntary moves?

Clucky: he/him

31-07-2024 02:16:34 UTC

Yeah that’s the intent. Paying for forced movement would be odd


31-07-2024 05:49:33 UTC

I like that this adds some player interaction and adds some complexity to movement. It does create some timing plays that I’m not sure if I’m a fan of; e.g. the player who takes the Sight Disturbances action gets first choice of the Disturbances, which typically favors players who are awake at 0:00 UTC (if I understand the Daily Communal Action correctly).

SingularByte: he/him

31-07-2024 07:29:55 UTC

So, I think my thoughts on this one are that firstly I agree with Lukas that the ability for a disturbance creator to essentially get the chance to block a well-placed disturbance does give an advantage to certain time zones. Not a major advantage given the low player count, but still an advantage.

Secondly, I’m not quite seeing what interesting possibilities it creates. We’re adding a new currency which is so far only used for disturbance blocking. I’d probably not object to a new proposal with doubloons, but I’d want to tie it to a different mechanic.

Darknight: he/him

31-07-2024 11:39:17 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

31-07-2024 13:36:46 UTC

Good points above. I think there’s some parts of the doubloon idea worth salvaging but the timing issue appears to be too much (I was ready to play the timing game myself, but I understand not everyone is)


Clucky: he/him

31-07-2024 14:37:24 UTC

“We’re adding a new currency which is so far only used for disturbance blocking”

yes that is how nomic works you add a mechanic that gets uses in area rather than overloading it from the start with too much complexity

JonathanDark: he/him

31-07-2024 14:59:35 UTC

Agreed, and honestly, Disturbance-blocking is the best use of it at the start, since that’s the “gold mining” du jour. I’m happy if that continues to be the case.

Maybe instead of paying Doubloons to enter an occupied Cell, you pay to leave? It changes the timing aspect such that, if someone has already occupied a Disturbance, the next person who wants to occupy the same space has to decide whether or not to play chicken with the current occupant and determine who leaves first (and pays the other for the privilege of being able to leave).

SingularByte: he/him

31-07-2024 15:03:34 UTC


The point I’m making is that the sole current use of the mechanic is a mild negative. If a mechanic is harmful, you generally don’t vote it in with the aim of removing its one current use case and putting another in its place - that would be pointless.

SingularByte: he/him

31-07-2024 15:03:51 UTC

That was @Clucky there

SingularByte: he/him

31-07-2024 15:07:03 UTC

CoV for . I’ve just seen Clucky’s proposal to add some randomness to the Sight Disturbance times, which removes my main reason to object.

JonathanDark: he/him

31-07-2024 16:15:49 UTC

Agreed, that addresses it. CoV for

Clucky: he/him

31-07-2024 18:35:39 UTC

I think paying to enter is more interesting than paying to leave. paying to leave you’re encouraging players to stall and wait for someone else to move. paying to enter you’re encouraging players to take initiative

Clucky: he/him

31-07-2024 18:41:09 UTC

also I don’t really see disturbance blocking as harmful or a negative. I see it as a positive that allows for more interesting strategies around timing and where you choose to move


01-08-2024 01:50:23 UTC

Okay, let’s try it for