Monday, August 22, 2005

EDITED Draft Version 3 - Proposal: Inflation:

Adminned at 23 Aug 2005 08:31:08 UTC


What does the audience think of a rule in these lines:

Add to rule Currency a sub-rule named Currency Authority:

There is an Entity in the game named The Currency Board which can take actions when allowed so by a rule. When The Currency Board is allowed to act, any of its members can act on its behalf. The current members of the Currency Board are listed in this wiki’s [[Currency Board Roster]] page. Members may be inducted to the Board by the Emperor, which can edit the Roster’s page to reflect so.

Add to rule Currency a sub-rule named Currency Value:

* The total value of all Squares in the World, calculated according to rule “Property” shall be called value “L”.
* The total amount of B$ held by each Player, plus the Jackpot Pool shall be called value “B”.
* The number given when dividing value B by value L (B/L) shall be the BL index.
* The value C, to which B$ value is pegged, shall be equal to 40/N, where N is the number of Squares in the World.

The value (effective purchasing power) of the Blognomic Dollar (B$), as measured by the BL index, shall be pegged to C times the value of all land in the [[World]].

To ensure that, The Currency Board may, once every Monday, choose to adjust the amount of B$ in existence by multiplying the amount of B$ held by each Player and the Jackpot pool (rounding results to the nearest integer, as per normal mathematic rules) by a fixed factor. This fixed factor shall be the result of the division of the value C by the current BL index (C/BL). The amount of B$ granted to a new player, as provided by rule “Currency”, shall also be adjusted by the same factor.

Create a page named “Currency Board Roster” in the Wiki and add Chronos and the Emperor to it.

Example: Current BL index would be, now, around 2.294, while C would be around 1.905. So, the currency board could adjust the amount of money held by everyone by 0.830.
The “C” part is to allow for inflatable real estate, as per Rodney’s proposal.



22-08-2005 17:03:02 UTC

well if you want to keep track of all that for


22-08-2005 17:05:10 UTC

for But I don’t think you should get an auto-seat on the Board though.


22-08-2005 17:05:29 UTC

It’s not that hard to keep track of.


22-08-2005 17:06:28 UTC

The auto seat is to ensure a person who is willing to do the job will do it. I don’t like to force this burden on someone else.


22-08-2005 18:02:28 UTC

Sounds like an okay idea to make sure that we don’t go crazy with new money..

Need something to ensure that the remaining money is integer, and the jackpot should probably be scaled too.

I’m not sure we should scale the amount of money a new player gets, but as soon as they’re a player the currency board could scale them anyway.  This could be a detriment for new players if everyone else has too much B$.


22-08-2005 18:08:15 UTC

I guess “(rounding results to the nearest integer, as per normal mathematic rules)” takes care of your integer concern.

I’ll edit it to take care of Jackpot (that was my initial intent, ut it get lost somewhere when writing).

Scaling money granted to new player has a threefold intention:
1 - Protecting new Players if we create new property value (therefore increasing the amount of B$ in circulation).
2 - Protecting existing players from new ones if B$ value decreases (which would result in new players entering game with a lot of purchasing power).
3 - Keeping trace of overall inflation/deflation rate. (It’s a by-product of scaling the current 100 value).


22-08-2005 21:19:14 UTC

If you were to change the wording such that the list of Board members wasn’t part of any rule I would vote for this.


23-08-2005 00:37:14 UTC

Cool, albeit WAAAY too complicated.

I’d be much happier if this happened ‘every sunday’ (or whatever day) instead of ‘occasionally’, though, to reduce the possibility of abuse. I’d vote FOR if this were the case.

It should ALSO be possible to write a simple shell script to do this automatically: just write directly to the blog.log file.


23-08-2005 01:49:31 UTC

I don’t know how to write scripts, but it’d have to be able to calculate land value (which is not a trivial task).

On another hand, it could automate only half the task, i.e., updating the GNDT. That script would have to accept the factor to multiply the money of each player as a parameter.

I can live with a fixed day.


23-08-2005 13:55:57 UTC



23-08-2005 15:22:23 UTC

hehehe, please vote on the proper proposal