Proposal: Dubbing
1-11, timed out. I know this dynasty is really slow… but anyone else want to do some adminning? -Elias IX
Adminned at 21 Dec 2005 13:23:00 UTC
Add to rule “2.7 Actions” a subsection entitled “Dubbing” that reads as follows:
Then the Seventy Fifth Trombone said ‘it is not good for the man to be alone; I shall make a partner suited to him.’ So from the earth e formed all the wild animals and all the birds of the air and all the protagonists of the game, and brought them all to the man to see what e would call them. A protagonist may change any other protagonist’s “Role” value by entering “Dub X” as an action, where “X” is the name of the protagonist who’s role is being changed. A protagonist may only dub when and as permitted by the rules.
Clears up what may become a small mess in the nothing item rule.
actions need steps :o