Saturday, February 14, 2009

Proposal: Duel-Wielded Bazookas… Not.

High Command respects the (ambi)dexterity of their armed forces, and disapprove of rumours in the ranks that a weapon could be too great to be held with a single hand, limb or other appendage. As a result, this proposed limit on the dual-wielding of high-ordinance weaponry has been refused and the people responsible reprimanded for their lack of faith.

Reporting, Devenger.


Adminned at 14 Feb 2009 14:35:22 UTC

Append the following to Rule, “Weapons”:

Some Weapons are Two-Handed. Unless otherwise stated, Weapons that are not Two-Handed are One-Handed. If under any circumstance a Two-Handed Weapon is carried at the same time as another Weapon, the Soldier carrying them shall immediately Lose both Weapons.

A Weapon that is Lost shall be removed from the holster of any Soldier carrying it. A Lost Weapon shall not be carried by any Soldier, but still counts against the Weapon’s availability as if it were.

A Soldier not carrying any Weapons has Both Hands Free. A Soldier carrying a single One-Handed Weapon has One Hand Free.

Two-Handed Weapons, Lost Weapons, and some Hands Free hooks for Stunt prerequisites.



14-02-2009 02:44:31 UTC

against Makes it too easy to get rid of weapons, punishing those of us who strategically chose not to take a service revolver or two.


14-02-2009 02:58:34 UTC


arthexis: he/him

14-02-2009 03:02:01 UTC

against Worse, it allows one player to deplete the arsenal


14-02-2009 03:13:58 UTC


Darknight: he/him

14-02-2009 04:34:34 UTC



14-02-2009 05:53:39 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

14-02-2009 09:24:24 UTC



14-02-2009 09:33:48 UTC


Kevan: he/him

14-02-2009 11:15:05 UTC

against It also requires us to remember which weapons have been Lost, without explicitly writing this down anywhere.

ais523: Custodian

14-02-2009 13:08:07 UTC

:AMEND: :)


14-02-2009 13:15:37 UTC

against no lost weapon tracking, and only the one-handed weapon should be lost.


14-02-2009 13:17:01 UTC

against s/k

I may re-propose this without the Fumble/Lost Weapons bit.

ais523: Custodian

14-02-2009 22:14:33 UTC

against CoV to see how much more collateral damage amni’s grenades can cause…