Proposal: Dynamicest Endgame [Victory]
Passes 5-0 with Eli Curf’s DEF resolving to FOR. Enacted by Brendan.
Adminned at 12 Nov 2021 00:09:39 UTC
Reword the paragraph of the rule “REALTOR Points” that begins “If it is on or after…” as follows:
If it is on or after Sunday November 14th 2021, then no Dynastic Actions may be taken, and Eli Curf may randomly determine the REALTOR PRIME. This shall be accomplished by rolling DICEX, where X is the total number of RP held by all Realtors who have least 1 RP. No Realtor will be considered to have more than 16 RP for the purposes of this roll. The roll will correspond to a Realtor whose position in the list of Realtors matches their proportion of the total X, starting with the first Realtor in alphabetical order. That Realtor is thus determined to be REALTOR PRIME.
If Eli Curf has determined a REALTOR PRIME, then the REALTOR PRIME achieves and has achieved Victory in the current dynasty.
If all EVCs which are FOR on this Proposal contain the text “get it over with” then do not make that change to the rule “REALTOR Points” and instead replace the phrase “Sunday November 14th 2021” in that rule with “Wednesday November 10th 2021.”
With fifty-something hours left in the dynasty and no other pending Proposals, it is not mathematically feasible for any player to catch up to TyGuy6’s lead using the existing rules. It would be a shame to have those mechanics be completely pointless right up to the end. Instead of establishing a single victor by first-past-the-post metrics, this gives a minor chance at victory to each player who has committed to actually playing things out. TyGuy6 will almost certainly still be the winner, but if you are not TyGuy6, this option is very much in your self-interest!
Silverwing: she/her
This will probably benefit me the most.