Dynastic Wrap-Up
I’ll post an Ascension Address tomorrow, after I think through my current idea. Meanwhile here’s a comment space for anyone who wants to talk about afterthoughts for this Dynasty, which I enjoyed quite a bit. Quincunx and I established our coin-toss alliance a couple weeks ago; where there any other explicit ones in play?
Kevan: he/him
No alliances here - I took it you had some sort of deal going on with Quincunx, and assumed (I think wrongly) that Matt and his Down Constituency would have naturally sided more with me than either of you, but didn’t formalise anything.
The card up my sleeve in this one was ‘‘“Any Councillor with at least 1 Ready Staff may cease to represent their Constituency at any time by setting their Ready Staff to zero.”’’, which I’d forgotten about for a while and then hoped that everyone else had. I was aiming to play the long game catching Zoning Targets (Anchorage turned out to have an advantage in not touching the sides of the city; by maximising surface area, I had many more squares I could gerrymander into one action) until my Will was highest, and then to just switch to the unstoppable Charm Party by abandoning Anchorage and claiming Killick.
Do you think the Atomic Actions are worth keeping around, based on how they played out? They seemed like a useful tool to have, although the gamey weirdness in abandoning badly-rolled action chains halfway so that they can reset themselves probably needs a neater solution. (Players could have fought over the controls of the Election by starting an election every hour, and stopping after the first action so that it timed out.)