Proposal: Eat the Rich
Enacted 6-5. TDS.
Adminned at 19 Jan 2023 04:15:45 UTC
If “It’s dangerous to go alone” is enacted, replace “Bribe Value” with “Base Bribe Value” in the rest of the text below.
In the subrule “Thug”, add the following bullet points to the end of the bulleted list:
* Add the amount of each type of item in the Settler’s Stockpile together, then divide this number by 5, rounding up the result to the nearest integer. Name the result the Bracket.
* If the Bracket is greater than 0, divide the Bribe Value by the Bracket and round down the result to the nearest integer. Set this result as the final Bribe Value.
Those with larger Stockpiles need to pay proportionally larger Bribes to avoid the Thug.
I would vote
on any proposal with this name regardless of the content.