Proposal: Economy pass
Reaches 1-6 and cannot achieve quorum -SingularByte
Adminned at 29 Jul 2022 07:52:12 UTC
In the rule Ending a Bout, change “The Winner of the Bout gains ₩2,000 and, if it is not already, the Readiness of all Operators to have participated in that Bout are set to Workshop” to read as follows:
The Winner of the Bout gains ₩1,000, plus ₩500 for each Opponent and ₩500 for each Configuration Variation in place in that Bout, and all other Operators who had Bots in that Bout gain ₩500 plus ₩100 for each Configuration Variation in place in that Bout; when these values are awarded, the Readiness of all Operators to have participated in that Bout are set to Workshop if they are not already at that value.”
lendunistus: he/him
I get the idea (configuration variables make bouts harder and thus result in more damage to your systems, which requires additional costs to recoup) but I don’t think income should be decided via RNG