Monday, September 11, 2023

Proposal: Edge

Enacted 4-0. Josh

Adminned at 13 Sep 2023 16:54:18 UTC

Repeal the rule The Winners Circle.

Make all of the contents of the rule Form Sheet after the first paragraph into a separate rule, called Sporting Events, including moving the subrules of the former rule to sit beneath the new one. Rewrite the contents of the rule Form Sheet as follows:

There is a publicly tracked list of Sporting Events, each of which must have a Date, a Sport, and the required number of Participants for that Sport; it can also have an Odds, and should (if it occurred in the past) have an Outcome (being the result of the Sporting Event) and a list of Winners (being the list of Punters whose whose Bet matched the Outcome of that Sporting Event). This list is called the Form Sheet.

If at any point the Form Sheet does not show at least one Sporting Event per day for the next seven days then the Bookie may randomly select a Sporting Event, its Participants (using a Participant Selection method) and, optionally, its Odds, for each upcoming day and add them to the list, until there are Sporting Events scheduled for the following ten days. If any existing Sporting Event does not have Participants, the Bookie should select Participants using Participant Selection for each such Sporting Event as soon as possible.

Move the paragraph that starts “The Bookie may generate the resolution” from the rule Sporting Events to a new subrule of the rule Form Sheet, called Sports Resolution.

In the rule Form Sheet, change the sentence which starts “The Bookie may optionally choose a Sporting Event to have Odds” to “When the Bookie adds Odds to a Sporting Event, those Odds are expressed in the form “X-to-Y”, where X and Y are integers greater than 0, and are be listed next to each Potential Outcome.” Then move the paragraph in which that sentence appears and the two subsequent paragraphs to the rule Sporting Events.

Just a bit of tidying up in the ruleset.


JonathanDark: he/him

11-09-2023 21:37:08 UTC


Lulu: she/her

11-09-2023 21:55:02 UTC


Kevan: he/him

12-09-2023 07:44:40 UTC

This reads as if it’s removing your ability to freely add Odds to the existing upcoming Events (by taking out “may optionally choose a Sporting Event to have Odds” and having it happen upon the Event’s creation), but possibly I misunderstand the current Odds system.

Josh: he/they

12-09-2023 08:03:30 UTC

Hm, maybe. I think “If at any point the Form Sheet does not show at least one Sporting Event per day for the next seven days then the Bookie may randomly select a Sporting Event, [...] and, optionally, its Odds” covers it?

Kevan: he/him

12-09-2023 08:34:59 UTC

It’s fine for future events beyond the 21st September, but there’ll be no way for you to assign Odds to the next ten days’ worth of existing Oddsless Events, as a game action.

But probably we’re reading the current “may optionally choose a Sporting Event to have Odds” differently and you don’t believe it’s currently possible to arbitrarily assign Odds in this way to existing events (given that you haven’t chosen to do so).

imperial No reason to hold things up, if that’s the case.

Josh: he/they

12-09-2023 08:52:13 UTC

Oh, true.

I haven’t been assigning odds because so far most of the outcomes seem to be essentially random, so slapping random odds on them seems to prejudice the betting a bit too much - if the outcome is a 50:50 flip but heads has odds of 2:1 while tails is only 11:10 then betting is a bit of a foregone conclusion. So I want to tighten up the odds mechanic a little anyway before I start grappling with making choices around it, when those choices materially impact the way the dynasty plays out.

JonathanDark: he/him

12-09-2023 12:50:10 UTC

I don’t think you would be able to assign Odds to existing events due to “If no such rules for determining Odds exist for a Sport, then Odds cannot be used in any Sporting Event in which that Sport occurs.” which is in the current ruleset. If this Proposal passes, that restriction will be gone.

Kevan: he/him

13-09-2023 07:48:25 UTC

[Josh] Ah, I was mildly expecting you to apply some spreadsheet witchcraft and calculate fair odds for all the sports’ outcomes (and that if an outcome was a coin flip they’d both get 2-to-1), although I appreciate that the ruleset doesn’t actually ask this of you.

Josh: he/they

13-09-2023 14:15:59 UTC

A future proposal will try to set up dynamic odds that respond to pre-existing action, but for now, no, I’m not trying to have a view on the probability of outcomes, not least because practically speaking I largely know the outcome at the moment at which the Event is created (pending Meddles, of course).