Proposal: Edge Cases [Appendix]
Passes 8-0 with quorum FOR. -Bucky
Adminned at 15 Aug 2021 22:45:02 UTC
In the rule “Prioritization”, change
If two contradicting parts have the same scope, the negative rule applies
If two contradicting parts have the same scope, or have scopes that only overlap where they contradict each other, the negative rule applies
For example, the Factory can cast veto votes on proposals using the VETO icon, but idle Workers can’t cast votes. Can an idle Factory still veto? The current rules are unhelpful because neither rule’s scope usually has anything to do with the other’s; rather, they only overlap at all in the extremely rare case of a VETO icon posted by an idle Factory.
Clucky: he/him
isn’t scope in this context where it is in the ruleset? So both of those have the core rules scope?